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Forum structure question

  • @sleestak


    I want my main forum page to be the list of forums available to users (pretty standard). However, I want to be able to have announcements that are relevant for all forums to be at the top of the page above the list of forums and also carries through at the top of each forum as well. I know Super Sticky puts items at the top of all forums, but I also want them at the top of the forum list. I tried creating a “parent forum” that was just a list of sub forums and held the super sticky posts, but then those posts go to the bottom instead of the top of the page.

    Any ideas?

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  • @robin-w


    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Forum Display enable item 6 forum description.

    Then in

    dashboard>forums>edit forum in each forum you can put in the content part whatever you want to appear. in your case the same description for each forum, but you can have a different.

    Finally to get this on the main forums list, create a page called ‘forums’, and put your description at the top of this. Then add the shortcode [bbp-forum-index] to this. bbpress will then use this as the main forums page.



    Oh interesting, I do have that pack but I didn’t realize it could do quite that much. I will give it a try. Thank you!






    Unless I am doing something wrong, item 6 forum description just shows up under the forum name. I am looking to put announcements/notices above the listing of forums. There is an old plugin called bbpress-notices that does something similar. Preferably, I would like these to be Super Sticky posts instead of just notices but could work with that.

    Notices at top of forum



    I am looking to put announcements/notices above the listing of forums.

    sorry, I’m confused – so exactly where? – can you mock up please

    Preferably, I would like these to be Super Sticky posts instead of just notices but could work with that.

    now you’ve confused me – if you make them super sticky posts, then they will appear as the top post in each forum – if that satisfies, then you don’t need anything further.



    I put together a mockup of what I am trying to do. I want the main page to be a list of forums, but above that should be any posts that are Super Sticky to be used as site-wide announcements without having to go into a forum to see them.



    you would need to redesign the templates to do this.

    Involves php and ftp knowledge and beyond free help.



    OK…that’s kind of what I needed to know. I am a programmer (though haven’t done PHP). I definitely know FTP. I needed to determine if it could be done with existing tools before I dove into the code.




    look in the template files

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