This is mostly related to the way that single post are aesthetically displayed in Twenty Eleven theme. It wipes sidebars and centers content, horizontally filling the entire page.
You can easily address this with CSS:
1) Search for ‘#primary’ (line 84) and add after:
.forum #primary{
2) Search for ‘.entry-content’ (line 109) and add after:
.forum .entry-content{
3) Tweak it to your tastes.
Also, if you create a child theme, copy ‘page.php’ from Twenty Eleven and rename it ‘bbpress.php’ you’ll have more control over your forums theme.
You can, for instance, register some sidebar exclusively to bbPress and adding it to your template file.
Now it works perfectly when I am at the forum page, but it still looks the same on the topic pages
What do I add to the CSS to fix this side too?
Thank you so much for your help!
I think I solved it! I just put the same code that you gave me in the CSS-file but changed .forum to .topic. Apparently the topic pages have their own class…
I do however have another related problem. As it is now, when you click on the Forum-link in the top menu, you end up at a WP page where I simply put a shortcode to load the forum. This means that you at the first page now see the WP sidebar, which seems not so logical. I would like to end up at this page right away instead: (Btw, does the URL have to be so long and with so many “forum”?)
Any ideas?
First, you don’t need that page with the shortcode to load bbPress.
bbPress is loaded by the forums slug you defined in its settings page.
You can easily and freely modify your menu with any link you want. Just create a custom menu entry linking to: /forums
It is long because you created a page named ‘forum’, then named your forums slug ‘forum’, then named your forum ‘forum’.
Just set your slug as forums, and your forums with category names: tennis, basketball, soccer, etc.
Thank you yet again! My problems are now solved.
I’m having this same issue.
When you say to edit the CSS file on line 84, which exact file are you talking about?