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Forum Roles Not Displaying for Custom Forum Roles with bbPress Style Pack Plugin

  • Kokiri


    Hello everyone,

    I hope you’re all doing well. I wanted to bring up an issue I’m encountering with our forum roles not displaying correctly for custom roles since making a recent change. Here are the details:


      Our custom forum roles were displaying correctly a few hours ago (e.g., instead of “Keymaster,” we had “Staff/Admin”). However, after disabling forum topic tags, the custom forum roles are no longer showing up. Instead, the default roles like “Keymaster” are being displayed.

    Steps Taken:

      Disabled forum topic tags in the settings.
      Observed that the custom forum roles stopped displaying and reverted to default roles.

    Has anyone else experienced a similar issue or have any suggestions on how to resolve this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you in advance!

    Best regards,

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  • Kokiri


    PHP Version 8.2.18
    WP Version 6.5.5
    Multisite False
    Active Members 255
    Total Forums 10
    Total Topics 30
    Total Replies 80
    Theme Type Traditional Theme
    bbPress Version 2.6.11
    Plugin Version 6.0.5
    WP Debugging False



    I realized I posted this in the wrong place – if a moderator would like to close or remove the topic I completely understand and my apologies.

    John James Jacoby


    No apology necessary!

    I think it’s good to post this here, in case it’s related to the most recent bbPress release.

    There was a change related to Roles triggering PHP errors with certain plugins active, so it’s plausible that fix broke something else.

    Which plugin were you using to make your new roles?

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