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Forum Recent Replies widget shows wrong time and date

  • @willandmae


    The Forum Recent Replies widget is showing the wrong time and date:

    For Example:

    guardianwill on Welcome
    8 years, 5 months ago

    The site has been in design for less than 2 months. When I look at this entry the right time and date is displayed

    November 4, 2013 at 9:30 AM and then the reply message.

    Thanks for any help.

    using wp 3.7.1
    buddypress – 1.8.1
    bbpress – 2.4.1
    buddypress-default theme

    the forum recent topics is working correctly and showing the proper time.

    Thanks in advance for any help concerning this issue.

    you can view at and scroll to the bottom footers to the right.


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  • @netweb


    I am not seeing this myself, can you run each of the ‘Repair Tools’ one by one and let me know if this fixes this for you.



    Hi Stephen, First of all–Congrats on your new position. Hope all goes well for you with much success.

    Nevertheless-back to the issue. Yes, I just ran the tools and it seems to have no affect on the issue-it is still there. Did you go to the site and scroll down and see what I am speaking of in the footer bars? At least I know I am not going cookoo and it doesn’t seem to effect any operations but just a nagging sore just to know it is there. Might take out the widget if it proves to be too much trouble.




    Thanks 🙂

    Yes, I see this on your site, I just can’t reproduce it.

    There are a couple of improvements that can be done for the ‘Reply Widget’ code so I will go and implement that and do some more testing.

    Longshot here, removing and adding the widget from your site. 😉 Delete the widget from your footer sidebar and any other instances of the widget in the ‘Inactive Widgets’ section. Now add the widget back again? How did that go?



    No. Just tried and retried and tried again. Doesn’t seem to reflect any changes.

    Thanks for checking into this though.


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