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Forum Page

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  • @robin-w


    If you page’s URL is “xx/forums” and the forum slug is “forum” it won’t appear without the shortcode as they don’t match (one plural, one singular). Also if you add any text to the page (as you have done) then again you’ll need the shortcode. But it should work with the shortcode.

    Can you confirm that the site currently has

    at the bottom, including the square brackets.



    The forum root slug is forums.
    The single forum slug is forum ( No s)

    Which one are you talking about – the forum root slug or the single forum slug?

    I created a page – forums

    I add text and the shortcode it still doesn’t show a list of the forums with links.

    Thanks very much!



    Thanks for posting, I tried your website a couple of days ago, and it was hanging, so have only just been able to get on and see what you’re seeing.

    I’d suggest you disable all your plugins and try again. The site should work, but it might be a plugin conflict.

    if that works, add back the plugins one at a time to see which is causing the conflict.

    Otherwise come back and let us know



    I think I have the hanging issue fixed but still don’t have alist of the forums showing.




    The forum –

    shows as a forum with no topics. Create topics there and it should all work.

    The path is basically forums/forum/diy-websites
    /forums – ie we are in the forums area
    /forum – we are in the forum list area
    /diy-websites – this is the diy website forum

    you’ll get /topic when you post a topic.



    so now I had to change everything because apparently there were spam bots that found my site..

    Spam bots found it after I posted here the last time – is that any coinsidence? and then again when I just posted today..hmm..

    I did add topics but that didn’t help.

    So I had to rename the root forum to memberforums so I created a page by the same name. It still does not show the list of forums with links on it. I am not sure if you will be able to see it as I don’t want my site crashing again.

    I am using Wishlist member and Studio press – could there be some conflict?

    Thanks for your help!



    yes, if you google ‘Wishlist member & bbpress’ – there’s a whole bunch of posts

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