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Forum Index Scrunched

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  • @robin-w


    Looks like it is bbpress selecting the default page from your theme, which looks like a tree columns one.

    Your “about” page is full screen, so if that’s what you want, suggest you make a copy of whatever .php that is using (eg fullwidth.php) from your theme file, and then rename the copy file to bbpress.php and put it in the same theme folder as the original. Then bbpress will use that as it’s page file.



    Thats the odd part, they are both using the default…and switching between the various different templates doesn’t seem to modify it. The theme has an internal setting that allows you to dictate how many ‘columns’ are shown. I can get it to show full page if I switch that around, but then my article page is also shown full (one column) I’m looking at the code further to try and figure out how to isolate one from the other



    when i assign the page to the menu, it causes it to scrunch up like that.. if its just created and not linked to from the menu, it stays full width



    So I’ve found its specific to the url.. if its

    It scrunches it up

    Anything else like keeps it full width

    I’m sure this has to do with the

    Forum Root Slug

    as it is set to ‘forums’ I just cant figure out how its correlated

    I guess I can get around this by changing the page that I use the shortcode for index on to not share the same forums slug.. I thought this was needed, but perhaps thats my problem? Should it matter or any insight if this would effect url building/seo



    ‘Thats the odd part, they are both using the default…and switching between the various different templates doesn’t seem to modify it. The theme has an internal setting that allows you to dictate how many ‘columns’ are shown. I can get it to show full page if I switch that around, but then my article page is also shown full (one column) I’m looking at the code further to try and figure out how to isolate one from the other’

    Think that’s the route to go.

    bbPress looks at the root of your theme for “bbpress.php” as a page template. if it doesn’t find it, it’ll use your themes “page.php”.

    It sounds like your “page.php” page (whatever it’s called), has a parameter to set the columns, so within this they’ll be an “if” statement which is setting this.

    What I think you need to do is as suggested in my first post. Copt the page file and call it “bbpress.php”. You should be able to find in that file where it is using the setting to create the columns and take this out. Alternately look in the twentyfourteen theme for the full page template and compare this to your file. You should be able to cobble the two together to get it to work.

    If none of that works, (or alternately!) contact the theme developer to see if they have a solution.



    In my opinion it Looks like bbpress is selecting the default page from installed theme, which have a tree columns. I had the same problem on forum on my site hotmax. Now its working great.



    Yea I forgot to mention I had tried that fix Robin, sorry.. I did some more searching and found
    that one person fixed it using a multisite install and another

    Pinboard with BBPress

    I’m in the process now of trying Defkon1’s solution from the first url



    I also posted on pinboard’s site but in the meantime I got it to show properly by using Defkon1’s trick. I just had to change it to threecol based on how I have my site setup for other pages. I wonder if this has any implications or if its ok as is



    without spending time looking at defkon’s solution, I could say.

    However if you get the page template working, then copying that to a bbpress.php will ensure that bbpress uses it, and you can revert the page.php back to how it was, so it shouldn’t have any implications elsewhere on your site

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