just tested worked fine on my twentyten test site
suggest it could be a theme or plugin issue
Deactivate all but bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
If plugins don’t pinpoint the problem, as a test switch to a default theme such as twentyten to prove your code works.
I have the same problem, I can not make it work
put pictures in library forum name I put eg 1525.png
1525 is the ID of the forum
I dont know the direction, as images/idforum.png
do not quite understand where or how do… help 🙁
@zick123 – didn’t quite understand your post.
you just out the code into your functions file and then use the ‘featured image’ part of the forum to add whatever image you wish ie
Dashboard>forums>all forums and edit the forum, on the right ahdn side you’ll see ‘featured image’ and just add whichever one there.
@robin-w LOL X’D
had understood that was to assign the image by code, almost like vbulletin, apology hahah works perfect the code
sorry… 😀
no problem, glad you’re fixed !