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for each question

  • Ok, I have searched the net for hours, but I couldn’t get an answer for my question.

    If we use the for “each function” in php we can get a list of items like:





    But the first name a want to have bold so it looks like:





    Best way for me to do this, is to ad a class to the first name in the php code. But how do I do this? Cause the “for each” generates a list that is the same for eacht row (php/html code wise). So I only want the first name to be bold using a class (from a css) but all others not effected.


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  • @ear1grey



    foreach($foo as $bar) {

    echo("<p class='$class'>$bar</p>);





    That is a very interesting short circuit. Thanks for that one ear1grey.

    Euuhh well still can’t get it to work…

    I have the function:

    function get_bb_menu() {

    global $bbdb;

    return $bbdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->menu WHERE set = 'active' ORDER BY order ASC");


    This will give (tabel sperated with – ):

    set – item – page – is – order

    active – Forums – index.php – is_front() – 0

    active – Statistic – statistics.php – is_bb_stats() – 1

    active – Search – search.php – is_bb_search() – 2

    Now I want this in a for each so it generates (note this is A PART what it should generate):

    <li><a <?php if (is_bb_search())


    echo "id="current"";

    }?> href="<?php option('uri'); ?>search.php">Search</a></li>

    <li><a <?php if (is_bb_stats())


    echo "id="current"";

    }?> href="<?php option('uri'); ?>statistics.php">Statistics</a></li>

    But how to do this???



    That’s very difficult to decipher, so for maintainability may I suggest you break out the code so you create variables first then use them when creating the echo statement.

    It looks like you need to use call_user_func(tabel["is"]) to run the function names that you’re retrieving from the db.

    I did that but you can’t use php in an echo:


    global $bbdb;

    $r = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->menu WHERE set = 'active' ORDER BY order ASC");

    while($rw = mysql_fetch_array($r))


    echo '<li><a href="'.$rw['page'].'">'.$rw['item'].'</a></li>';



    This works perfectly, but now I want to add some php code into <a!here the php code!>...</a> so it will look like this (i only show the echo now):


    echo<li><a <?php if ('.$rw['is'].')


    echo "id="current"";

    }?> href="<?php option('uri'); ?>'.$rw['page'].'">'.$rw['item'].'</a></li>;


    But this aint working cause you cant do php in an echo. Any suggestions?



    Just compute the computable stuff beforehand and it becomes a lot more maintainable/readable.

    // setup the basic data



    // compute the computable data

    if ($rw['is']) { $class="current" }

    // write the line

    echo "<li><a class='$current' href='$uri'>".$rw['item']."</a>"

    Note that I’ve used class rather than id for semantic purposes – the ID of an element shouldn’t change, but it’s class can change and can be multiple, so you could even do:


    if ($rw['is']) { $class .=" current" }

    Hmm got this now:


    global $bbdb;

    $r = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->menu WHERE set = 'active' ORDER BY order ASC");

    while($rw = mysql_fetch_array($r))


    if ($rw['is']) { $class .=" current" }


    echo '<li><a class="$current" href="'.$rw['page'].'">'.$rw['item'].'</a></li>';



    But this gives me an error:

    Parse error: parse error, unexpected ‘}’ on line 71

    Think I have misplaced something here?


    ps I didn’t include $uri=option("uri").$rw["page"]; at all cause I wanted to test this first. So I keep it out for now…



    the while looks like it needs curly brackets adding to it or you’re just going to repeatedly set $class="" then remove the curly bracket above the echo.

    Can you give me a code example, cause i keep getting the error :(




    global $bbdb;

    $r = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->menu WHERE set = 'active' ORDER BY order ASC");

    while($rw = mysql_fetch_array($r)) <strong>{</strong>


    if ($rw['is']) { $class .=" current" }

    echo '<li><a class="$current" href="'.$rw['page'].'">'.$rw['item'].'</a></li>';



    Still no luck :(

    I have this:


    global $bbdb;

    $r = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->menu WHERE set = 'active' ORDER BY order ASC");

    while($rw = mysql_fetch_array($r))



    if ($rw['is']) { $class .=" current" }

    echo '<li><a class="$current" href="'.$rw['page'].'">'.$rw['item'].'</a></li>';



    Which is the same code as yours, but I still get the error:

    Parse error: parse error, unexpected '}' on header.php on line 84

    And line 84 contains the if:

    if ($rw['is']) { $class .=" current" }

    I am totally lost here :S



    ...current"; }


    ...current"SEMICOLON }


    Well this fixes the error but the class isn’t filled in:

  • Forums
  • hmmm going to try something else, thx anyway

Got it fixed, this topic can be deleted :D



Huh? Thou speaketh in jest surely!

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