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Fight Against Auto-Register Robot

  • @jianshuo


    Hours after I setup my site, I found 12 spam users, whose URL is just a porn site. They seem to use automatic system to register.

    To fight against, I used a very easy way:

    1. I added a note to the website field of registration form: Do NOT fill in this field. Only spammers do.

    2. Add the following line after

    Line 13: $user_url = bb_fix_link( $_POST );

    It blocks any registration with the website field:

    //Added by Jian Shuo Wang to avoid spam users

    if(! ($user_url == ”))

    My assumption is, robot don’t read about the “NO website” claim and people do.


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  • @null


    Tried this, it aint working :(



    Anyone know what to put in for this to work? I am thinking I would like to make a required field that has to be blank and if someone fills it out, (this case spammer robot) it automatically denies them. Any thoughts?




    Same. I’ve tried this one, but I could still registrate without leaving the webpage field blank :(

    I need something too and fast, cause I am getting at 200! registration spammers already and counting…




    Are you sure they are robots? There are people in India, China and elsewhere whose job it is to register spam users to websites.

    These measures will not work on them at all.



    Good point. You just assume they are automatically registering robots. I have the “extra” custom registrations plugin and it stops most spam, so logically the other users could be real people….




    sambauers, are you saying I have to move to India or China to get a job like that? More work being taken away from Americans … :D

    Seriously though, I have a few spam users registered every day, and they always link their username to a website, but there are never any posts by them (maybe I delete them soon enough after registering that they never make a post.) So, what good is it creating a user with a link to a website in a profile they never post from? Would a list of users show up somehow in a stock bbPress install where the links there could actually drive traffic to them somehow? I know WHY they do it, but if their username is never shown next to a post, how would the link to their site ever get picked up? I’ve always wondered about that.



    You can never stop spam registration if people hire people to sign up. Nor captcha or askimet or any other program can prevent that.

    We can however block all registratingspambots with an empty www field like the starting post. Only problem is, it aint working :(



    So far this has solved the problem for me completely:

    I’ll augment it as they adapt.

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