The simple solution is just to make people signin/register via the Blog.
After I installed bbPress, I looked at my forums folder and my bb-config file was still bb-config-sample and none of the information was changed
I’m not sure how that would work, are you sure there is no bb-config file?
Hmm… I just deleted the forums folder from my hosting site and my local machine, re-unzipped bbPress, renamed it to folder, and uploaded it. Then I got to the install screen and it said there was no bb-config.php, which is correct because I just deleted the whole folder. So I put my database, name, etc in and pressed submit or whatever. It said my information had been saved to bb-config.php successfully. It actually made the bb-config.php file this time. When I clicked the go to step 2 button it said I already have a bbPress installation, so I just tried logging in and stuff and now it works.
I looked in bb-config.php and it didn’t have all the auth stuff filled in, but it still works. I then manually put the auth stuff into bb-config.php, got the plugin for the blog and entered the information in the bbPress admin area but it’s still doing the same thing. If someone logs in from the forums, they aren’t logged in at the site. I’m pretty sure when bb-config.php didn’t have any auth information I was able to log in from the forums and then go to the blog admin area without having to log in (I was originally logged out).
If I wanted to make it so people had to register and login through the blog, I would just replace all the login stuff on the forums with a link that takes you to the blog?
EDIT: Also, in the WordPress Integration Settings in bbPress admin, I have to make the salts match the ones in options.php, but when I go there, I don’t see the salts. The only salt I see is nonce, which isn’t one of the ones that need to match (auth, secure auth, logged in). Maybe that could be the problem? The salts are all in the wp-config file on my blog, but they aren’t showing up in the options.php page in the blog admin.
EDIT 2: Also, my blog and forums both have different $table_prefixs. Should they both have the same?
If I wanted to make it so people had to register and login through the blog, I would just replace all the login stuff on the forums with a link that takes you to the blog?
No, you could just point the action
part of your login/registration form to the WordPress one. That way people could login/register from wherever they want, but your WordPress install does all of the difficult work behind the scenes.
The salts are all in the wp-config file on my blog, but they aren’t showing up in the options.php page in the blog admin
Yeah, just copy them from the WP-config file.
Also, my blog and forums both have different $table_prefixs. Should they both have the same
Nah, thts fine as long as you have changed the bb-config to let it know what the WP user table is called.
Also, WP3.0MU is totally new to us (it’s been out less than 48 hours), so if there are any additional issues you might be the first to find them.
There isn’t even labels or text boxes for auth_salt, secure_auth, and logged_in_salt in the actual wp-admin/options.php page when you view it from the admin area. There’s a bunch of other options but I’ve looked through them and used Find, but I don’t see them 
WordPress Integration Settings for bbPress admin even gives me a direct link to the options page that it says those settings are, but they aren’t there. Here’s what it says for each of the 3 required salts:
“This must match the value of the WordPress setting named “auth_salt” in your WordPress site. Look for the option labeled “auth_salt”.”
“This must match the value of the WordPress setting named “secure_auth_salt” in your WordPress site. Look for the option labeled “secure_auth_salt”.”
“his must match the value of the WordPress setting named “logged_in_salt” in your WordPress site. Look for the option labeled “logged_in_salt”.”
Agreed. Thats why I said “Yeah, just copy them from the WP-config file.”.
There have been 4 versions of WordPress since the last version of bbPress Installer was written. Thigns change. Just copy them from the WP-config file.
Also, so you know, bbPress isn’t beilliantly compatible with WPMU. thats why the BuddyPress version of bbPress was/is for. I have no idea how this changes for WP3.0
Hmmm. I haven’t tried making a theme for bbPress yet, but would it be possible to call the new wp_login_form that you use for the blog into the header of the bbPress theme instead of using it’s current one?
You can call (some) WP functions via bbPress is you use “deep integration”.
I can’t recommend not to strongly enough, but many do – though WP3.0 has some deep integration issues right now.
Some of them are covered here: