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ERROR: Your forum must have a parent ?

  • @groubee


    Hi I am new to bbPress and BuddyPress 🙂

    I have just installed: WordPress: 3.4.1 Theme: Salutation Version bbPress: 2.1.1 BuddyPress: 1.5.7 + some more plugins

    • how to create a parent bbpress group forum in buddypress?

    I am a Administrator and have created a new Group and wants to create a forum but cant – get this ERROR: Your forum must have a parent?

    But where do I create this parent forum? I have tried to create a Category but it didn help 🙁

    I am a newbie i know 🙂 regards Tonny

    NB! BuddyPress forum is not enabled

    • This topic was modified 12 years, 7 months ago by groubee.
    • This topic was modified 12 years, 7 months ago by groubee.
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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    I noticed this yesterday. Looks like a bug. Working on a fix.



    I created a fresh forum and selected it as the “Parent Forum” of group forums through bbpress settings panel



    This is a super old thread, but I thought I’d post a solution that I used to get by the issue of having to choose a parent forum, when creating a new forum, on the front end of the site.

    In my case I just need to default to “NO PARENT” and will never want a user choosing a parent forum when creating a forum. So…

    First, put a copy of “form-forum.php” into your child theme (childtheme/bbpress/form-forum.php).

    Within form-forum.php, scroll down to the Parent Form label, which has an id of “bbp_forum_parent_id”.

    You can comment out then entire bbp_dropdown function and then add an html input field with same name, id and a value of -1.

    <input type=”hidden” name=”bbp_forum_parent_id” id=”bbp_forum_parent_id” value=”-1″>

    The key part being the value of “-1”

    Hope that helps someone!

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