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Error: Already installed

  • @inimicus



    I am trying out BB for the first time, but upon running install.php I get this:

    hide_errors(); $installed = $bbdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->forums LIMIT 1"); if ( $installed ) : if ( !$new_keymaster = bb_get_option( 'new_keymaster' ) ) die(sprintf(__('
    Already Installed

    You appear to have already installed bbPress. Perhaps you meant to upgrade instead?

    To reinstall please clear your old database tables first.
    ') . '', bb_get_option( 'uri' ) . 'bb-admin/upgrade.php')); $meta_key = $bb_table_prefix . 'capabilities'; $keymaster = false; if ( $keymasters = $bbdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->usermeta WHERE meta_key = '$meta_key' AND meta_value LIKE '%keymaster%'") ) { foreach ( $keymasters as $potential ) { $pot_array = unserialize($potential->meta_value); if ( is_array($pot_array) && array_key_exists('keymaster', $pot_array) && true === $pot_array['keymaster'] ) die(__('
    Already Installed

    You appear to have already installed bbPress. Perhaps you meant to run the upgrade scripts instead? To reinstall please clear your old database tables first.
    ') . ''); } } $user = new BB_User( $new_keymaster ); if ( $user->data ) : $user->set_role( 'keymaster' ); ?>

    data->user_login); ?>

    show_errors(); switch ($step): case 0: ?>

    hide_errors(); if ( $users = $bbdb->get_var("SELECT ID FROM $bbdb->users LIMIT 1") ) { $meta_key = $bb_table_prefix . 'capabilities'; if ( $keymasters = $bbdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->usermeta WHERE meta_key = '$meta_key' AND meta_value LIKE '%keymaster%'") ) { foreach ( $keymasters as $potential ) { $pot_array = unserialize($potential->meta_value); if ( array_key_exists('keymaster', $pot_array) && true === $pot_array['keymaster'] ) { $keymaster = (int) $potential->user_id; break; } } if ( $keymaster ) $keymaster = $bbdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->users WHERE ID = '$keymaster'"); } } $bbdb->show_errors(); } ?>

    everything (database information, email address, etc.) entered correctly in config.php before running this script.'); ?>
    add('domain', __('Your $bb->domain setting must not end in a backslash "/".') ); $domain = parse_url($bbd); if ( !$domain ) $errors->add('domain', __('Your $bb->domain setting cannot be parsed.') ); // Not very helpful, but should essentially never happen. if ( !$domain['scheme'] ) $errors->add('domain', __('Your $bb->domain setting must start with http://.') ); if ( $domain['path'] && '/' != $domain['path'] ) $errors->add('domain', __('Your $bb->domain setting must only include the http:// and the domain name; it may not include any directories or path information.') ); if ( '/' != $bbp{0} ) $errors->add('path', __('Your $bb->path setting must start with a backslash "/".') ); if ( '/' != substr($bbp, -1) ) $errors->add('path', __('Your $bb->path setting must end with a backslash "/".') ); // We don't really do anything with $bb->wp_site_url. if ( $wph = bb_get_option( 'wp_home' ) ) { if ( '/' == $wph{strlen($wph) - 1} ) $errors->add('wp_home', __('Your $bb->wp_home setting must not end in a backslash "/".') ); $home = parse_url($wph); if ( !$home ) $errors->add('wp_home', __('Your $bb->wp_home setting cannot be parsed.') ); if ( !$home['scheme'] ) $errors->add('wp_home', __('Your $bb->wp_home setting must start with http://.') ); if ( preg_match('|(.*.)?([^.]+.[^.]+)|', $domain['host'], $d2 ) && preg_match('|(.*.)?([^.]+.[^.]+)|', $home['host'], $h2 )) if ( $d2[2] != $h2[2] ) $errors->add('cookie', __('Your $bb->domain and $bb->wp_home settings do not have the same domain.
    You cannot share login cookies between the two.
    Remove the $bb->wp_home setting from your config.php file.') ); if ( !strstr($bbp, $home['path'] . '/') ) $notices->add('cookie', __("Your bbPress URL ({$bbd}$bbp) is not a subdirectory of your WordPress URL ($bb->wp_home).
    Sharing login cookies is possible but is more complicated. See the documentation about integrating bbPress and WordPress.
    In the meantime, remove the $bb->wp_home setting from your config.php file, or you may not be able to log in.") ); } if ( $cd = bb_get_option( 'cookiedomain' ) ) { if ( '.' == $cd{0} ) $cd = substr($cd, 1); if ( !strstr($bbd, $cd) ) $errors->add('cookie', __('Your $bb->cookiedomain is not in the same domain as your $bb->domain. You will not be able to log in.') ); } $cp = bb_get_option( 'cookiepath' ); if ( $cp != preg_replace('|https?://[^/]+|i', '', bb_get_option( 'wp_home' ) . '/') && !strstr($bbp, $cp) ) $notices->add('cookie', __('Your bbPress URL $bb->path is outside of your $bb->cookiepath. You may not be able to log in.') ); if ( $ecodes = $errors->get_error_codes() ) { echo "

    * n"; if ( in_array('domain', $ecodes) ) foreach ( $errors->get_error_messages( 'domain' ) as $message ) echo "t$message
    * n"; if ( in_array('path', $ecodes) ) foreach ( $errors->get_error_messages( 'path' ) as $message ) echo "t$message
    * n"; if ( in_array('wp_home', $ecodes) ) foreach ( $errors->get_error_messages( 'wp_home' ) as $message ) echo "t$message
    * n"; if ( array('cookie') == $ecodes ) { // Only show cookie errors if nothing else is wrong foreach ( $errors->get_error_messages( 'cookie' ) as $message ) echo "t$message
    n"; echo "

    n"; break; } echo "n"; echo "

    It continues from there…

    The problem is, I have never installed BBPress. I went to MySQL after I got the error the first time, made a database for BB called “bbpress” but still get the error (even though the database is new, fresh and entirely empty). What’s up?

Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)
  • @chrishajer


    For you to see the source of the php page, it’s almost like your webserver is not parsing php files or something, or something in your htaccess is treating php files as html or something.

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