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Error activating bbpress

  • @ullastret


    I just succesfully uploaded the zip file and activated the plugin but when I click on settings I get the following error:

    No teniu els permisos necessaris per accedir a aquesta pàgina.

    The language is set to catalan, the aprox. translation of this would be:

    You don’t have the necessary permits to access this page.

    Can anyone help me to solve this problem.

    This is the url of the error page:

    Thank you

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  • @xevo


    Had this problem a while back too, with me it was caused by a plugin auto activated by

    Have you tried doing a clean install on a wamp or something like that?



    I’m getting the same message – “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page” – when I click on Settings in the plugin.

    Also the Forums button does not show up in the left-side menu of my WP admin panel. Yet I have 7 bbPress widgets.

    I’ve deactivated and reactivated the plugin. When I first clicked “activate” I got the “You do not have sufficient permissions…” message. I clicked activate a second time, and the plugin showed as activated. But still no Forum button.

    This site says easy instructions are provided, but my installation has no instructions. I was expecting to paste a shortcode to the forum on a blank page. I can’t imaging putting all 7 bbPress widgets in a sidebar.

    I do not have the plugin the previous poster said affected his/her bbPress. I do have a plug in (calendar) which I need. Why would plugins interfere with each other?

    I need help with this because no other forum plugin is showing as tested with my version of WP which I believe is WP3.6, although I’m not able to find the version number anywhere on my dashboard.



    If you can’t even see what WordPress your running, it is a clear example that other stuff is running in the background.

    Try disabling all plugins and using one of the standard WordPress theme.

    The above mentioned plugin is not just added by, a lot of other WordPress providers add custom plugins.

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