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emails link to private forum after login

  • @itsmifred


    Hi guys,
    when new topic /new post bbPress private Forum subscribers receive by email a link to the new topic/new post. But, if they are not already logged in, of course they have to log in first and then they are not redirected to the new topic/new post.

    I’d like they have direct access URL from email link after login.

    Any snippet or else to do that ?

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  • @robin-w


    sorry, but that is exactly what we did in

    I’m very confused as to why you are posting here?



    Hi Robin,
    yes and no. you’re right you did with bbp Style pack auto fix auto login working without getting a 404 page, so yes.
    But still after login user don’t go auto to topic, so no.
    isn’t it ?
    Again, I am not to good in English and often confused !
    Best regards !



    ok, so I asked you for some information in the style pack thread, which you have not supplied.

    If you do that, I might be able to help further.



    probably I din’t well understand what information you ask. I am going to read again…



    what is your language?






    I said something about email error but forget it, emails are well working.

    Problem is to go to default page after login instead of URL link include in the email.
    Not appropriate. People want to open the page they asked for from the email. This is the way with public forum or already logged in. But we can’t expect users to be connected all the time. Right ?



    ok, but you say it works on then staging site, but not the live site – yes?



    yes Robin,that was a mistake. Sorry for this confusion. They both work similar.

    I also tried to put forums public + snippet to redirect visitors to login.

    But the result is exactly the same. After login there is no redirect to the topic.

    here is the snippet if you are curious :

    * Redirect bbPress pages for visitors
    function yzc_redirect_bbpress_to_login_page() {
        if ( ! is_user_logged_in() && ( function_exists( 'is_bbpress') && is_bbpress() ) ) {
            // Set Redirection Url
            $redirect_url = '';
            wp_redirect( $redirect_url );
    add_action( 'template_redirect', 'yzc_redirect_bbpress_to_login_page' );

    Do you think possible to redirect to private topic after login ?




    that code will do nothing useful, but i do not intend to spend time on other peoples solutions.

    The bbp style pack plugin contains the solution, but until you tell me how you have it set up, and give me consistent answers as to what it works on and doesn’t work on I cannot help further

    Ce code ne servira à rien, mais je n’ai pas l’intention de passer du temps sur les solutions des autres.

    Le plugin bbp style pack contient la solution, mais jusqu’à ce que vous me disiez comment vous l’avez configuré et que vous me donniez des réponses cohérentes sur ce sur quoi il fonctionne et ne fonctionne pas, je ne peux pas vous aider davantage



    Ok Robin, it’s quite simple to resume.

    – connected subscribers access a new topic or reply by clicking on the link contained in the notification email.
    – subscribers who are not logged in are redirected to the login page by clicking on the link in the notification email, but after login are not redirected to the topic.

    I’m a bit surprised that you’re asking me how bbp style pack is configured because you’ve had access to the admin of my test site.If you ask information about my configuration I’ll tell you as long as I understand the question.

    I’m very grateful to you because, contrary to what you say, you spend time solving other people’s problems.



    You keep repeating the issue – I fully understand the issue.

    1. I am not paid to do any of this – I try and spend around hour a day helping others as people have helped me over the years, but I have a full time job.

    2. I have bbpress and 6 other plugins that I try to help.

    3. I receive 30-40 emails a day on many things, and I do not keep old emails.

    4. If I had access to your site a. I would have deleted any details b. It is not up to me to get you site working, if I ask you for details I do not expect to have to look them up myself.

    so if you are running both my plugin and adding snippets you are very unlikely to get to any solution. Consider my plugin to be blue paint, and you snippet to be red paint. If you run both, the room you want to paint might end up red because that is the only color that got painted, or red because it was pained blue first and then painted red. Only by having one bit of code running do you get a true test.

    so to fix your site.

    1. do not have any other attempts at solutions
    2. use the auto login in my style pack
    3. tell me if it works in staging – ie it goes to login and then to the topic
    4. tell me if it works in live – – ie it goes to login and then to the topic
    5. tell me the settings you have in

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>plugin information>subscription emails

    copy/paste here or send to me by email

    for both live and staging

    If you do not understand what this means, the use google to translate or find someone who can understand this.

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