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Edit topic page

  • @juventino199


    Hi there,

    I would like to know if I am able to edit my topic page part of the bbpress forum. There are some things I would like to remove off the page completely and other things I would like to make smaller or move around the screen. I will attach a list of everything I would like to do (in an ideal world!) and I hope someone can get back to me to advise me how/if I can do this.

    1) I would like to make the size of the Author icon and their name smaller.

    2)I would like to completely remove the text which says “This topic has (1)voice and (1) reply…” (the part at the top of the page with the lightbulb in it)

    3)Remove the reply IDs off the reply (the number with a hashtag e.g, #5431)

    4) Add an icon that shows how many replies there are to a comment which the user can click on to view said replies. Rather than showing the reply under the main comment.

    5)move the ‘make a post’ section to the top.

    Following on from the number 5 request, about the “make the post” section, is it possible to remove the “make a post” section from the page completely and then add in a button at the top of the page which can be clicked on and then the “make a post” section is displayed in a pop-up? If that is possible then that would be great and better suited to my needs.

    I have some ‘mock-up’ images of what I would like it to look like. If you would like to see them for further guidance, I can provide them to you over email.

    Lastly, I appreciate this customization may not be free work, so I am willing to pay if this is a requirement.

    Thank you.

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  • @robin-w


    a combination of

    bbp style pack



    transfer this to your pc and edit as required

    and save

    create a directory on your theme called ‘bbpress’
    ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/bbpress

    where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme

    Then transfer the file you saved above and put in in the directory called bbpress that you created above, so you end up with

    bbPress will now use this template instead of the original

    will get you there, but if you want specific help, contact me via and reference this post

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