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Duplicate topics and replies

  • TKServer


    Somehow my users are posting duplicate replies and topics. Not all the time. I suspect they are either hitting the back button after posting, or maybe hitting the refresh button after posting? Maybe they’re clicking submit twice? Anyone else have this issue? It’s not a huge deal, but it is annoying to have to delete duplicate content a few times per week.

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  • TKServer


    One user just told me that when he posts sometimes he clicks the submit button twice, causing double posts. I tried it and confirmed with both an admin and non admin account. I understand that there’s supposed to be some kind of duplicate check, but that’s not happening. The submit button should be disabled and replaced with a spinning wheel or something to indicate to the user that there’s an operation pending. Maybe I’ll try to make a plugin for that.

    Robin W


    there are options for ‘submitting’ and a spinner in

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Topic/Reply Form>option 5



    Oh nice. I made the disable submit and spinner plugin in my test environment but haven’t put it into prod yet. I’l try your plugin in my test env and see what it does! 7K installs is great.

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