Dropdown menu listing & Integration with WordPress?
Hello again,
Consider that I’m using http://www.devlounge.net/articles/the-ultimate-bbpress-guide/1/ guide to install bbPress, I was brought to the forum setup screen, but my WordPress admin account username is not in the dropdown menu listing. There’s no dropdown menu listing. Without this menu listing, my WordPress integration will not be possible: forum admin login will not be the same as WordPress.
How can I resolve? I’ve tried many different combinations within Config.php with no success in obtaining the account username in the drop down menu listing.
What do you suggest?
You’re doing something wrong in the config. (Don’t blame my article
Chances are, your WP information is not matching up in your BBpress config. Post your config file here (just take out the db passwords) and I’ll be glad to help.
I beleive you… Don’t worry, I don’t blame your article. It’s very well written; no joking
Thanks for your support. By the way, nice to meet you.
Hope you can help.
Here is my config.php:
define(‘BBDB_NAME’, ‘per my WordPress wp-config.php’); // The name of the database
define(‘BBDB_USER’, ‘per my WordPress wp-config.php’); // Your MySQL username
define(‘BBDB_PASSWORD’, ‘per my WordPress wp-config.php’); // …and password
define(‘BBDB_HOST’, ‘ localhost’); // 99% chance you won’t need to change this value
$bb_table_prefix = ‘bb_’; // I chose that my bbPress prefix start with bb_.
$bb->domain = ‘www.patrimoineacadien.com’; // Not sure which domain to choose here? http://www.patrimoineacadien.com is my WordPress domain.
$bb->path = ‘/bbpress/’; // My bbPress folder is title bbpress as shown in this FTP path: (/public_html/blogue/bbPress). My WordPress folder is title blogue as shown in this FTP path: (/public_html/blogue/bbPress).
$bb->name = ‘Babillard PatrimoineAcadien.com’;
$bb->admin_email = ‘** MODERATED**’;
$bb->mod_rewrite = false;
$bb->page_topics = 30;
$bb->edit_lock = 60;
$bb->gmt_offset = -4; (Eastern Daytime)
define(‘BBLANG’, ‘fr_FR’);
$bb->akismet_key = ** MODERATED**;
$bb->wp_table_prefix = ** MODERATED**; // I’m sure about my WordPress database prefix!
$bb->wp_home = http://patrimoineacadien.com; // WordPress – Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash
$bb->wp_siteurl = http://patrimoineacadien.com; // WordPress – Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // No trailing slash
When I add wp_home & wp_siteur1 URL as http://patrimoineacadien.com , I get the following error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘:’ in /home/patrimoi/public_html/blogue/bbpress/config.php on line 53 at http://patrimoineacadien.com/bbpress/bb-admin/install.php?step=1 . I retrieve this URL http://patrimoineacadien.com under my WordPress Options General.
bbPress no longer uses the dropdown menu (what if your blog had thousands of users on it? It’d be really hard to find you!).
Instead, you should be able to enter your WordPress account’s login name into the form as you install bbPress.
But, there is a problem with your config.php
The values for $bb->akismet_key, $bb->wp_table_prefix, $bb->wp_home, and $bb->wp_siteurl should all be contained in single quotes (
) like$bb->wp_home = 'http://patrimoineacadien.com';
EDIT: I removed some potentially sensitive information from your post above.
Thanks for support and moderation of my post.
About the bbPress installation First Step, what should be inputed in the following:
Thanks in advance for all replies.
Login name:This is where I enter my WordPress account’s login name?
First Forum
Forum Name:* What should I choose to put here? Does it have to match WordPress to integrate bbPress?
Double-check that login name before continuing.
If you have things set up right, it should ask you to put in the user name of your WordPress account rather than asking for all that other stuff.
What does your $bb->wp_table_prefix setting look like?
It should look like
$bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_';
(or whatever the actual prefx is).The “Forum Name” can be anything you want. For example, one of the forum names on this site is “Installation”.
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