bbPress includes the WordPress natively supported embed providers:
Flickr Videos & Images WordPress 2.9
Hulu Videos WordPress 2.9
Imgur Images WordPress 3.9
Instagram Images WordPress 3.5
Photobucket Images WordPress 2.9
SmugMug Photos WordPress 3.0
(SmugMug and Photobucket support is being removed for WordPress 4.0 is released, see #28379)
For any of the above you simple paste the URL on a new line by itself:

Any other images hosted elsewhere you simple link to them using the <img src=''>
e.g. <img src="" width="198" height="49" alt="bbpress">

Doesn’t this require the person to put the image somewhere – ie on Smugmug – and then use the IMG tags to reference that image?
I was looking for something that allows you to just decide to show a photo in a forum post and upload it then and there to the site and have it display inside the post.
Doesn’t this require the person to put the image somewhere – ie on Smugmug – and then use the IMG tags to reference that image?
I was looking for something that allows you to just decide to show a photo in a forum post and upload it then and there to the site and have it display inside the post.
For this a common a plugin is this one