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displaying on category from a forum on a different page (like buddypress does)

  • @focallocal


    Hi, is it at all possible to display an individual part of my forum on a different page?

    i want to be able to do exactly what buddypress does when they display bbpress categories as forums for their groups, and so i can have that category of the forum show up as an element in a custom made page.

    i tired with shortcodes but that only seemed to give the headings, i want the threads and comments from the forum to be usable from different pages in my site, exactly how buddypress allows users to access the forums in their groups.

    Any help would be amazing as i’ve been stuck on this for 2 weeks now and my project deadline is almost upon me.

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  • @netweb


    Shortcodes should do the trick as most things are covered by them.

    Eg. If you want to show a forum use the single forum shortcode, if you want to display a single topic with the replies use the single topic shortcode.

    BuddyPress is basically doing the same as the shortcodes and I’m not entirely sure what you mean by ‘i tired with shortcodes but that only seemed to give the headings’ unless you are using the wrong shortcode where for example [bbp-forum-index] rather than [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id].



    thanks very much.

    i’m not sure what i was doing wrong the last time i tried but the short codes did work perfectly for the individual thread this time.



    Hi; I have a problem too. I did not understand it. I want to list the category, not the forum. id = 878 (category)

    as you can see in the picture. Games are not a category forum. I want to shoot this category. I want to list it as shown in the picture.


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