Edit : Here is the solution : Settings –> Discussion Settings … scroll down… Comment Moderation:
“Hold a comment in the queue if it contains __ or more links.
Put more than 1 link and it’ll be ok.
Hi. Total newbie here. I cannot find “Discussion Settings” anywhere. Can you give me a little more info on where that is?
Thanks a lot.
Thanks. I cannot find “discussion” in the settings. When I go to Dashboard, settings, I only see:
ACF: Better Search
Disable Comments
Am I in the right place?
ok, something will be stopping that
it could be a theme or plugin issue
As a test switch to a default theme such as twentyfifteen, and see if this fixes.
If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
Then come back
Thanks Robin. I will spend some time working on it.
Dear akira010203
you said “Settings –> Discussion Settings … scroll down… Comment Moderation:
“Hold a comment in the queue if it contains __ or more links”…
Is it “https://imgur.com/AzXMA35” this?
ㄴ I try to upload image’imgur’…
ps) Sorry about my English.
thank you
Yes jamnet.kr, you are on the correct part.
It’s now Dashboard / Settings / Comments / Comment moderation.
It’s set to 200 on your screen, so no replies must be on “pending” status cause of links url.
Dear akira010203
Thank you so much for your reply.
And I am so happy.
Have a really happy night.
Dear akira010203
Thank you so much for your reply. And I am so happy.
Because of you, I was able to solve a big problem that was in front of me.
ㄴ (ps) I using google for good English^^
Have a really happy night.
Hi @akira010203, I’m fairly new to bbpress and I don’t understand why we need to use Settings -> Discussion -> Comment Moderation to allow links in bbpress Replies.
Isn’t that setting for Comments?
I have some users/participants whose replies will go straight to pending if they post ONE link despite that I set ‘Hold a comment in the queue if it contains 2 or more links’.
How does the anti spam code logic work in bbpress? I’m quite confused.
Your input will be greatly appreciated!