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Disable “Create New Topic” for participants

  • @jpgram777



    I just install bbpress and I am new to managing forums. I’ve searched this forum and did not seem to find the answer to my question.

    How to hide or remove the “Create New Topic” section at the bottom of my forum. I do not want my participants to be able to add new topics. Only want them to comment on the ones provided. Is there an extra plugin that would give me this ability?


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  • @robin-w


    you will need

    Private groups

    so once installed create a group called whatever you like

    dashboard>settings>bbp private groups>group name settings
    then in
    dashboard>settings>bbp private groups>assign groups to roles
    set subscribers to get the group above
    then in
    dashboard>settings>bbp private groups>topic permissions
    set this to active
    Finally for each forum, go into it and set the forum group you set up, and click save
    then you will see topic permissions and be able to set this group to only create/edit replies

    then all subscribers will only be able to create/edit replies



    Thanks for the quick reply! I have installed your plugin and it’s working fine. Can I also assign administrators to the same group as the Subscribers so Admins can see the Forum as well?



    forums can have multiple groups with the same or different permissions.

    so maybe

    dashboard>settings>bbp private groups>group name settings create a group called admins
    then in
    dashboard>settings>bbp private groups>assign groups to roles
    assign admins group to the administrator role
    then for each forum
    Go into it and set the admin forum group you set up, and click save
    then you will see topic permissions and be able to set this group to say be able to create/edit topics and replies (and view all topics/replies)

    so admins can create topics and replies, but subscribers can only post replies.

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