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different log-in widgets

  • @gerard749



    A couple of weeks back, in the widgets area I noticed the bbPress login widgets on test1 and test1-nlcf test1 disappeared from the installed widgets area. I quickly shut down the sites and browser. I then logged in to both test1 and test1-nlcf, and in both installed new bbPress login widgets from the available widgets area. I set the widgets up the same as the ones that disappeared but the result was not the same. Now the login widgets appeared on the mobile version of my site – not only on the website version. I then noticed the bbPress login widgets that dissappeared were down in the unused widgets area. I removed the new login widgets and put the widgets from the unused widgets back where they were. Now the bbPress login widgets only appear on the website version of my site- not on the mobile version, the way the widgets were originally set up.

    Now, on test1 and test1-nlcf the bbPress login widgets in the installed widgets area are different from the bbPress login widgets in the available widgets area.

    Any help with this issue would be appreciated

    Thank you for your time.


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