developing login re-direct issues
After the first couple of days when everything seemed to work, we started having login re-direct issues: after login the user was sent to her Profile page. To re-direct the user to the homepage, a message pointing to the copyright link at the bottom of the page was inserted in the Profile page.
Another couple of days later, now the top Login link sends the user to the Members page (no login) and the user needs to click on the Login link at the bottom of the page to login, find herself on her Profile page, go to the bottom go back to the homepage.
This is by far too complicated for our users – they need to stay on the homepage after login. How can I do that ? And why are things changing every couple of days ? How is it that the top Login link and the bottom do not work the same ?
WordPress version: 5.5.3–it_IT
bbPress version: 2.6.6
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