I have exactly the same question. Al my pages start with my header, precontent with page-title and then page-content. BBpress only repeats my header and not the page-title. I also want some intro tekst on the page-content before the forum starts. Does anyone know which bbpress php file i should edit? Or, and this would be easier, is there a way in which i can load a forum in a page?
Would be really nice if someone knows
Edit as you see fit. You’ll likely want to place whatever before <div id="bbpress-forums">
You can copy any template elements that you want/need to change to a bbpress
folder inside your theme and bbPress will automagically use those template files instead of the default ones.
Is this still a valid solution? I noticed that the location of this file has since moved
from: wp-content/plugins/bbpress/templates/default/content-archive-forum.php
to: /yorkregiontutoring/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/templates/default/bbpress/content-archive-forum.php
Where would I move the file now? And is it a permanent move and not just a copy?
Thank you.
you don’t; move, you duplicate and then change
so the original file sits in
and you copy this to
and then make changes
bbpress will look at this new file as being the active one