I take it no one know how to do this…
So you’re not using the hot tags plus plugin any more?
No – I couldn’t fix the problem. So I’m using the normal tag cloud – but I eventually will switch to bbCumulus when I have a new domain and a blog to integrate my forum with.
To space them out, could you do something like this?
#tag-page a {
margin-right: 10px;
I think I would add an additional div to your template so that this #tag-page a
doesn’t affect all the links on the page. Just wrap the section you want this to work on in something like <div id="tag-heat-map">
If you want to do use a bullet instead after each link, you could do this also, but I am not certain what browsers actually support text generated by the :after
pseudo-element (I think it’s CSS 2.1):
#tag-page a:after {
content: "%5C2007%5C00B7%5C2007";
The 2007 is a digit space, and the 00B7 is a middot. Maybe something like that? Not even related to bbPress really.
EDIT: above, those %5C are supposed to be backslashes but I can’t keep them from being translated or decoded or whatever. Should be character encoding from here:
Most browsers will handle it – though I’m not sure about the bullets method you’ve given me. If I do it using CSS, then some bullets will be bigger than others because it’s size is not controlled by the CSS. I need all the bullets to be of the same size.
I’m sure there’s something I could do in tho core to split them. They are already split by spaces. I did have a look in some places, and I see that the tag list is an array that gets extracted [directly?] onto the page.
But now that I think of it – it might look a little out of proportion if I use bullets of the same size. Spacing will work – I will give that a try.
If I can’t do that, I’ll just add some other pseudo in CSS to make hover effects etc.
Don’t hack the core: http://i39.tinypic.com/23wofh1.jpg
In the core function, they’re only separated by spaces because all the links [a href=”whatever”]tag[/a] are on new lines, and the browser treats the new line as a space. If I knew more, I could tell you how to do it with a plugin, but because I don’t I gave an alternate solution.
There are a couple of different cases for output, one being an array, then you could just echo them with whatever delimiter you wanted.
The file you want to look at is ./bb-includes/functions.bb-template.php and the function is bb_get_tag_heat_map around line 3183 (in version 1.0.2 anyway) I think.
Nice pic – good emphasis. 
I see what you mean. I think I’ll just leave it as it is, and wait till a get a new domain so I can use a new theme with Cumulus.
I did already have a look at that file – but I couldn’t see how I would be able to change it.
Thanks for your info Chris