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Deleted posts undeleting

  • @ledsalesoz


    I know this has been mentioned in topics elsewhere but there’s so many topics in this forum that I can’t find them at the moment and thought it was time this was asked again.

    When topics and posts are deleted they are just set not to display in the front end of the forums. However, there is a bug that if a topic with a single post, ie a spam topic, is deleted, all the previously deleted posts including all the spam magically reappears all through the forum topics.

    This is obviously a rather serious bug. Has this been addressed in the most recent bbpress? We are currently running 1.0.3 and I thought it was supposed to be fixed in that version but it hasn’t.

    I am now marking spams etc as spam rather than deleting them, hopefully this will fix the issue.

    However, it brings up another issue, and that is that there’s no simple way to delete posts etc permanently from the db without doing it manually through sql.

    Again, this is a huge omission from the software.

    So, my question is, has anyone written a plugin to do this, or are these probs being addressed? Anyone got any info on the status of these probs?

    I’ve had to go back and redelete spam so many times it’s not funny, I want working forum software, not a hobby, I’ve got better things to do, as I expect many other bbpress users do too.

    Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate all the work that’s gone into bbpress and its plugins, but it’s kind of hard to fathom these sorts of omissions from what is otherwise quite a good system.

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    The concept of “deleting” is one we purposely prevent, to prevent permanent loss of data. If you want to delete it forever, you can do so directly or by making a plugin to do it. In bbPress 2.0, WordPress handles this for us the way you wish for it to.

    Regarding posts bleeding into other topics, I’ve never heard of that happening before. Normally if you delete/spam the first post in a topic, it realigns the following posts properly.

    Can you give me exact steps to duplicate the issue?

    1. Do this

    2. Do that

    3. Etc?



    Hi John,

    sorry, maybe I didn’t explain it properly, if I delete a topic that only has one post, as in when a spammer creates a new topic, then deleting that topic causes spam posts in other topics to reappear. There’s no crossover, they just reappear where they had been previously before they were deleted.

    I know I’m not the only one to have this prob as I remember seeing a forum topic on it and others asking when it was going to be fixed…



    Since ‘delete’ and ‘spam’ are two different things, can I ask you to confirm with me exactly which one you’re using and which status the reappearing posts are? In order to duplicate your issue, I need fairly a precise description.



    Hi John,

    I’ve only noticed the problem using delete, not marking them as spam. Because they kept coming back I have switched over to marking them as spam instead. I am also now in the habit of going to the database and sorting by post status, which brings all the marked ones to the top for deletion, a bit of a kludgy workaround but it is permanent…



    This is the first I’ve heard of anything like this happening. I have some theories that might have to do with the repositioning of posts. Can you create a trac ticket for this, and I’ll look at it when I switch over to working on the 1.1 branch?

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