When you try to Delete a user inside WordPress you will be redirected to another page where you have to pick an option about what to do with Posts, Pages and other stuff this users may have created in the past.

My advise would be create one User-ID by the name Retired or something and move all stuff to that account.
Just try it, always make a back-up of your website-/database to be 100% safe.
Hi, What if I do not delete an user but just want to attribute his posts to other one?
Hi, What if I do not delete an user but just want to attribute his posts to other one?
The only way to do this at the moment is one by one manually.
Maybe have a look in the WordPress Plugins for a plugin that supports ‘Custom Post Types’ to change posts authors if you have to many to do individually.
should this be a default feature of bbPress?
After just adding support for imported phpBB posts where the original author had been deleted I’m kind of thinking maybe this is something that should be in the core of bbPress. BuddyPress allows users to delete their own accounts (if enabled) and maybe we should also have this option for bbPress.
Thus if a user deletes their account rather than deleting their topics and replies we delete the actual account but assign a ‘legacy’ username to each topic and reply allowing the topics to retain the original context.
Does this sound like the type of way we should implement this in bbPress core?
Hi there,
Shmoo’s suggestion will do the job, thanks! But generally I think deleting of your own account could / should be a core component of bbPress rather than having to do that from an admin side. The posts & topics should stay and the former user will be marked as “retired”, “anonymous” or rather anything you ould like to specify (add an option to change the value in bbPress options).
@leanderbraunschweig Feel like creating a ticket on Trac, I never did 😉
Add it as an ‘enhancement’ type ticket with the component ‘users’ and leave it in ‘Awaiting Review’, add a bit of the detail of what is outlined above though the general consensus of the feedback above and we can start working towards adding support for this into bbPress 🙂