Dashboard left bar menu not displaying in IE
I have a problem with IE not displaying the left bar nav when viewing the admin dashboard. When using firefox I can see it fine :
In IE its just white space. Running bbpress 1.0.1. IE 6. Firefox 3.0.12.
I’m having the exact same issue too, although I’m using bbpress 1.0.2. IE6 it’s missing, FF 3.x works.
From what I’ve gathered, its an issue with #bbAdminMenu negative margin in the bb-adminstyle.css file.
I can’t seem to figure anything out that fixes it (I can get it to show, but formatting is awful) and I really don’t want to have to dive into the actual markup.
Edit: Just found a solution/hack
Due to the IE6 double margin bug, you’ll need to do a little css hacking. In bb-adminstyle.css:
_margin-left: -83px;
to ul#bbAdminMenu {…}add:
_margin-left: -25px;
to body.bb-menu-folded ul#bbAdminMenu{…}note the ‘_’ before the css. this is for IE6 to read it but no other browser as far as I know.
Thanks woopstash. Fix worked a treat.
From what I have read
display: inline;
Should also fix the problem. In reality tho the nested menus dont line up nicely.
So for now I will stick to halfing the margins. Wonder what it will look like in IE7.
Hey yeah, you’re right. ‘display:inline;’ does work, however the spacing and layout is still a little off.
With both ‘solutions’ though, my Appearance (Manage Themes) Admin window is messed up. How’s yours looking?
Yeah my Appearance is messed up as well. Alot of whitespace at the top and it doesnt line up.
They forgot to put wrap it all in a div like they did all the other pages.
I think this works:
In bb-adminthemes.php:
<div class="wrap">
on line 119 (above Manage Themes header)add:
on line 158 (after</table>
)nice catch. worked for me.
Thanks. That fixed it in FireFox.
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