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Customize Front Page…

  • @jpanizzoli


    I’m trying to combine some of the functions in the “Latest Discussions” table with the main “Forums” table. I’d like to include the “Latest Poster” and “Freshness” to my forums section. So far, I’ve successfully displayed these items within the table, but they’re not showing the appropriate data. Instead, I’m getting only the most recent poster and freshness displayed for every forum. This should help clarify:

    www (dot) eco-wheelz (dot) com/forum

    This is the code:

    <table id="forumlist">


    <th><?php _e(‘Main Categories’); ?></th>

    <th><?php _e(‘Topics’); ?></th>

    <th><?php _e(‘Posts’); ?></th>

    <th><?php _e(‘Last Poster’); ?></th>

    <th><?php _e(‘Freshness’); ?></th>


    <?php if ( $topics ) : foreach ( $topics as $topic ) : ?>

    <?php while ( bb_forum() ) : ?>

    <tr<?php bb_forum_class(); ?><?php topic_class(); ?>>

    <td><?php bb_forum_pad( ‘<div class=”nest”>’ ); ?>“><b><font color=”#339900”><?php forum_name(); ?></font></b><small><?php forum_description(); ?></small><?php bb_forum_pad( ‘</div>’ ); ?></td>

    <td class=”num”><?php forum_topics(); ?></td>

    <td class=”num”><?php forum_posts(); ?></td>

    <td class=”num”><?php topic_last_poster(); ?></td>

    <td class=”num”>“>

    <?php topic_time(); ?></td>


    <?php endwhile; ?>

    <?php endforeach; endif; // $topics ?>



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  • @jpanizzoli


    Any coding experts out there? I thought for sure this would be an easy fix…



    i’m not entirely sure what you are trying to do here since forum.php (used to display specific forum) shows information in the same way as front-page.php (used to display a summary of all posts)


    <?php if ( $topics ) : foreach ( $topics as $topic ) : ?>
    <tr<?php topic_class(); ?>>
    <td><?php bb_topic_labels(); ?> <a href="<?php topic_link(); ?>"><?php topic_title(); ?></a></td>
    <td class="num"><?php topic_posts(); ?></td>
    <td class="num"><?php topic_last_poster(); ?></td>
    <td class="num"><a href="<?php topic_last_post_link(); ?>"><?php topic_time(); ?></a></td>
    <?php endforeach; endif; ?>



    Sorry if my original post was confusing. Let me clarify: I’m trying to add “Latest Poster” and “Freshness” to front-page.php – but include it in the main forum table – not in the latest discussion table. You can see it here:

    www (dot) eco-wheelz (dot) com/forum/

    You can see I’ve created the new columns, but I can’t get the appropriate information to display. I’m trying to include more data in the main table and only include new topics in the latest discussions…



    It’s probably slightly more complex than you think.

    For each forum you’ll have to fetch the latest post and then its details. I’m not sure how to go about that. Maybe someone else can shed some light on it. Sorry…



    Any insight on this issue… I thought for sure someone would have a solution… THANKS!

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