Pretty much impossible to help you without links to the site having problems.
try this
I’d like to manage forums showing text in right style
Ouch, no offense but I would find another theme. First of all, you can’t actually do what you are asking with that theme.
I went over to themeforest and checked it out so that I could get a better idea of what it is doing.
For something like that, I’d ask the designer to see if he can come up with a solution.
Thanks for your reply … but what is it my problem??
How can correctly show forum styles?
Can you kindly write me at dandiDOTboxATgmailDOTcom??
So I can show you template style 
Can you help me to resolve this problem?? 
I sent you an email early yesterday
Excuse me but I’ve not found any mail to my address 
I still have same problem
Yes, It’s not possible to resolve your errors without seeing your site.