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CSS display: none question

  • OC2PS


    I’m technically illiterate so need some help understanding this.

    On the bbPress pages, I am using CSS to hide sidebar…something like

    .bbp-forum #primary {
    display: none;

    My question is: Is the sidebar is still loaded (on server, in browser) and just not displayed, or do I by simply styling it out of view also save some time on page loading?

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  • Jared Atchison


    No its definitely still being rendered by the server and the browser, your browser just hides it. Ideally you’ll want to find a way to nuke the sidebar on bbPress pages, but you’ll have to poke around your theme to do that.



    If you using method that, you have to load all information in one page, once time load slow, but not loading multiple times



    Thanks guys!

    @martin_style: Not quite sure what you mean by “once time load slow, but not loading multiple times”

    @jaredatch: How do I nuke the sidebar?

    I lied. I am not using

    .bbp-forum #primary {
    display: none;

    I am using a plugin that replaces primary sidebar with a bbpress specific sidebar.

    But I have 2 sidebars, and I am hiding the 2nd sidebar with CSS

    .bbp-forum #secondary {
    display: none;

    So this is the one that I need to remove.

    I am guessing that instead of fiddling with the Theme, it might be easier to patch the plugin. Here’s what it does at the moment:

    function vp_sidebars_widgets($data)
    // if bbpress enabled and main sidebar requested
    if ($this->is_bbp && $this->is_main_sidebar)
    // switch sidebar if bbrepss sidebar has some widgets in it
    if (!empty($data[$this->sidebar_id]))
    if (isset($data['sidebar-1']))
    // uses sidebar-1 as main sidebar in most themes
    // set forum sidebar as main sidebar
    $main_sidebar_key = 'sidebar-1';
    // get first sidebar which should be main in most themes
    foreach ($data as $k => $v)
    if (strpos($k,'inactive')===false)
    $main_sidebar_key = $k;

    // replace main sidebar with bbpress sidebar
    if (isset($main_sidebar_key))
    $data[$main_sidebar_key] = $data[$this->sidebar_id];

    // reset main sidebar request
    $this->is_main_sidebar = false;

    // return modified widgets array
    return $data;

    Jared Atchison


    It depends on what theme you are using.

    Theme’s typically call and register sidebar’s differently, which is why it is easier to fix this on a theme level and not a plugin.

    Find out how your theme is handling sidebars, write mini plugin or block in your functions.php that addresses the issue.

    We’ve been down this road already :P

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