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Coverter from WP-Forum to bbpress

  • @monkeyhateclean


    Hi guys. I’m looking to convert an existing wp-forum install to bbpress. I’ve searched through the forums and haven’t seen anything but am hoping someone has some suggestions on how this might be done. (Or maybe I just missed a search result…) Thank you!

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  • @finalwebsites


    didn’t know that there is also a wordpress forum, is this a WP plugin?



    There are a few forum plugins for WordPress. bbPress is not one of them though.

    No one has ever asked about migrating from wp-forum here as far as I know.



    It is SO sad that bbpress isn’t a one-click install plugin for WordPress. I want a forum that clicks into my main CMS quickly, that automatically reports latest posts to the *website homepage*, that automatically integrates user permissions etc, and that works with similar User Control Panel and information for all areas of the CMS.

    I want a blog that can automatically send posts/articles to the forum (the way bbsyn USED TO before support for it was dropped) where the comments can enjoy the full power of a forum.

    And I want it all in a few clicks.

    Only Joomla seems to do that with it’s 2 highly supported “fully loaded” forums. (Forums that have all the options already in them, and that don’t need basic things like email-notification added on.)



    @eclipsenow – There are a few one-click WordPress plugins that offer basic forum capabilities, I believe – here’s one of them:

    They aren’t usually pluggable… but you can get very simple forum capabilities with theme and cookie integration with these plugins.

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