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Could not find “Presentation Admin panel” after upgrading to 0.8

  • @travelsuperlink


    I just upgrade my bbpress to 0.8. Here is what I did

    1. I download the new version and copied to my server to replace all the old files.

    2. Then I copied my old directories: my-plugins and my-templates, and I follow the instruction and move all previous my templates files to a subdirectory called mybbpress under my-templates.

    3. But my forum is using the default bbpress theme

    4. and I login to my admin panel, only find Dashboard, Users, Content, cannot find any Presentation Admin panel.

    Anybody could help? many thanks.

    my forum is

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  • @trent


    I would immediately suggest that you make sure you are logged in with the key-master and not just a moderator. Another thing, make sure you got to overwrite all the files on the upload of 0.8. If you are an admin or key-master, the presentation admin panel will be there for sure. That and site options.




    Trent, confirmed. The first time I just loging as a moderator.

    thanks a lot for your help and hard work. :)



    I did the same step but i can’t get it to work, and I’m sure i’m logged in as Admin cause i teste and i can change other admin status etc… but the menu doesn’t apper



    Yes I am having the same issue, I am logged in as Admin, I can’t change my status to KeyMaster though, will I have to edit something elsewhere to do this? (like in the SQL database)



    Take a look at this thread:

    Then, if that doesn’t help, maybe check out this thread:

    That first thread is about key masters getting downgraded to administrators and the second thread is about getting a user upgraded to key master through the database and the bb_usermeta or wp_usermeta depending on if you are integrated with WordPress or not.




    Thanks, got it working again however I can’t seem to access plugins in the admin CP still (can access the template stuff). I created the plugins folder in the bbpress root dir or is it supposed to go somewhere else? Not sure why I can’t see the installed plugins in the admin cp



    The plugins will not show up in the admin as they are not like WP in that way. Our plugins go into a folder /my-plugins/ off the root (as you mentioned) and just work. There is no admin CP for plugins in bbPress (yet) and nothing to activate. They are activated the minute that you upload it to the my-plugins/ directory.




    Ah ok, thanks Trent, guess the problem lies elsewhere then ^_^

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