Cookies (staying logged in between wp and bb)
Similar posts have been made about this subject, and I’ve read the documentation, but no matter what I do I can’t get the cookies to work. I’m sure you hate working with newbies like me because we’re always like, “gah, i can’t get anything to work” but, please, I don’t want to keep tweaking it because I don’t want to mess anything up… One solution here at this forum says to go into the wp_settings.php file and change something… do things like that have be to done, or is there an easier way? By the way, I did actually do that… I went into the wp_settings and changed that cookie_domain line from false to ‘’, if you know what I’m talking about… well, that tweak didn’t work for me either.
I just want to be able to log into my blog, then go to my forum and still be logged in. Or log into my forum and go to my blog and still be logged in, then also be able to successfully log out from either location.
I put
define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ”);
define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);
in my wp config and it is also in my bb press config.
Now, some posts here say that for the cookie_domain, you have to actually put your domain, like:
define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’);
is this true?
If someone has the time and successfully has cookies working properly between their wordpress blog and bbpress forum, could you help me out?
I’ve stayed up many nights trying to get this to work just right… it’s sad
Whats weird is, when I first did the integration it worked BUT I couldn’t log out, so since then I’ve been changing things to fix that, but now, I’m back to square one. I can log into my forum. then, I can log into blog, and I can log out of both with the same username and password, but again, if I log into one and go to the other, I’m not logged in.
I’ve just seen a few different posts and all the posts recommend doing different things. Then the actual documentation of course just says to use the built in integration feature in bbpress, which I used. Since there are so many different posts offering different solutions, can any one give me a step by step fix for this?
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