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Converting Standalone to Integrated Plugin – What to do with users?

  • Hi Everyone,

    I’m not a super hacker or anything, but I have some basic competence with computers. I’ve been tasked with converting our phpbb3 to bbpress standalone and now to bbpress plugin. I’ve managed to do phpbb to bbpress, but i am stuck at converting standalone to plugin.

    We currently have wordpress users as well as bbpress users for our forums. We would like to maintain separate users for each. My major question is, how do I convert bbpress to the bbpress plugin and maintain those user categorations?

    We do not want our forums users to be able to affect our wordpress account. This is the only information I can find:

    bbPress Standalone to Plugin Converter Beta 2

    Currently, there are three situations:

    1. You have a new WordPress blog, to which you are migrating to and an established forum. Then, you would go to user migration section first and then proceed to forums, topics, posts migration section. In this process, all your WordPress users would be deleted (well, renamed to another table) and in place of those, bbPress users would be added. A keymaster will be WP admin, bb admin and moderator will be bbPress plugin moderators, rest all would be converted to the default WP role (which can be set in your WordPress settings).

    2. Your WordPress and bbPress user tables are integrated. You don’t need the user migration process and you can directly go to forums, topics, posts migration section. No worries.

    3. You have a established WordPress blog, with a good number of users and can’t afford to lose those. This is currently not supported as it is hard to merge two conflicting user sets.

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