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Converting from: PunBB to PHPBB to BBPress

  • I read another topic that was trying to convert from punbb to BBpress and they suggested convert to phpbb then to bbpress, but I am having troubles converting to phpbb, It gives me errors when I try and convert the members list (the phpbb forums haven’t helped yet) so I was hoping someone could help me convert so I could get on to BBpress asap.

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  • @chrishajer


    I think it would be really cool if there were a team working on writing importers to get as many people as possible involved with bbPress.



    If punbb uses the same markup in posts that phpBB uses (the square bracket things) maybe a few changes to phpbb2bbpress can give you a direct conversion script. I could have a look if you provide me with a database dump from punbb. Also, if you are trying multistep conversions, there’s a script to go from SMF to bbPress :-)

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