Confused about filter bb_current_user_can
It’s not the first time and it won’t be the last. I’m confused.
I’m trying to add forum moderator capabilities to the currently logged in user in a specific forum only. I don’t want to give them the moderator role. I just need to give them additional caps in a specific forum. When the user is tooling ’round in the forum I want to give mod rights to, assign them dynamicly. When they are no longer in that forum, take ’em away on the fly.
If found a couple of things to guide me. One was forum-moderators.php by Aditya Naik. This give specific users a forum moderator role thru the bbpress backend. That stores the rights to those caps as a meta value and assigns them when the user is on the forums. Great. There’s a fn in there that determines what forum the user is in and responds to a filter called ‘bb_user_has_cap’. I can’t find neither hide nor hair of using this filter anywhere except in a couple of plugins by sambauers. http-authentication and ldap-authentication.
So, I found the filter ‘bb_current_user_can’. It looks to me like everyone on the planet is using this filter. The comment in the fn bb_currrent_user_can() says use ‘bb_user_has_cap’. Well, nothing is using that as far as I can determine.
Anyway, my confusion comes in when I try to implement my filter. I’m gonna give the user the following caps:
$forum_mod_caps = array(
'manage_topics' ,
'edit_closed' ,
'edit_deleted' ,
'browse_deleted' ,
'edit_others_tags' ,
'edit_others_topics' ,
'manage_posts' ,
'ignore_edit_lock' ,
);For me, reading the code for bb_current_user_can() is like the time I got curious about implementing tcp/ip for the Atari ST. I got a headache. My skill level is not up to understanding what is going on down there. Some guidance would be appreciated.
We have 3 args to this filter:
$retvalue, $capability, $args
Looks like $retvalue is being passed up the filter chain. If I don’t want to touch the call I just pass $retvalue back.
I was digging ’round and looks like $capabilities is the cap being queried. $args is specific to each call and may vary depending on what cap is queried.
These are questions in case you haven’t noticed. My understanding breaks down when I get to what I’m being passed and what I’m supposed to do with them other than return ‘true’ if it’s a cap I want to let the user have.
I should just return true if it’s a cap I want the user to have. It’s up to me to determine if it’s appropriate at their location in the universe. Yes?
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