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conflict with every wysiwyg widget I try

  • @maggieymae


    I am configuring a site for friend and wanted to make sidebar widgets easy to add for him. I’ve tried many wysiwyg-custom widget plugins and they all present this same unusual behavior…
    When in the forum, the original widget content becomes forum content – It list all the boards and all the topics… Now this wouldn’t be a bad thing except the formatting is ugly, words are scattered and overlap. I haven’t found a wysiwyg widget where you can choose which pages to show on… that would be ideal.

    So I guess what I am asking… does anyone know of a way to keep bbpress from propagating these widgets or at the very least, can you point to widget that can be disabled on the forum pages.

    Sorry if this has been covered before… I tried to search.

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  • @maggieymae


    Just in case anyone else is having this issue, I found that widget wrangler doesn’t morph. Unfortunately it takes several steps to add widgets and I’m not sure it is the ideal solution for him.. I will keep looking.



    Have to you tried the bbPress Widgets?



    Sorry- I didn’t see your reply earlier
    Yes the BBpress widgets work nicely.
    The issue is that I want to decide which widget shows on which page.
    I have tried numerous widgets and when the forum pages show, they are all messed up. They fill in with the forums only all scrunched together.

    I’ve als tried putting the shortcode in a page and that has helped when assigning widgets except for when on the “forums” part of the breadcrumb after entering a board. It goes crazy.

    I found one custom widget plugin that makes a widget “drag and drop” page in the editor for each page and post editor area but the person that will be using this will have a difficult time using it. When using that plugin if I make all the forum widgets to be the default setup and just add/subtract widgets per page – it won’t show the craziness.

    I don’t think I can describe this any better. It just looks like craziness and it isn’t in the forum widgets… The forum contents fill up any available widget on the sidebar even if the widget isn’t “assigned” to the forum and it is only when following the breadcrumbs AFTER being in a board.



    I finally found a widget manager that works! It is called widget context. It allows you to use wildcards such as forums/*
    It works so well I no longer need to use the shortcode.

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