simplest way would be to
create a page with a permalink of ‘forums’ (assuming that is what your forums are called in dashboard>settings>forums>forum root slug>forum root)
but with a title of whatever you want the forum page to be called
and just put this shortcode in it
That should work
Not quite what I was looking for in way of “conditionals” but I have to admit your method (albeit unconventional) worked like a charm, although my custom CSS for bbpress is not inherited. I will need to see about fixing the custom css styles.
Anyway, thanks.
Update: I had this in my functions:
if ( is_bbpress()) {
But adding:
Means that the custom-bbpress.css is going to load on all “pages”. A temporary solution, but not really the right solution.
Ah….found a fix for the above/last reply. I added the id of the page, so now the custom-bbpress.css only loads for bbpress and that page.
if (is_bbpress() || is_page( 209 ) ) :
great – glad you are fixed !
Actually…. the solution above wasn’t going to work because if breadcrumbs are enabled and someone clicks on the “Forum Home”, we lose all the effort. However, I finally found the conditional statement that works.
This is only part of my code, but you can get the idea…I originally had this:
// For Jetpack Portfolio heading
elseif (is_post_type_archive()) :
echo '<h1 id="bts-page-title">' . __( 'WordPress Themes', 'bts' ) . '</h1>';
// For bbpress forum heading
elseif (is_bbpress('forum')) :
echo '<h1 id="bts-page-title">' . __( 'Support Forum', 'bts' ) . '</h1>';
However, when I did this, it worked:
// For bbpress forum heading
elseif (is_bbpress('forum') || is_post_type_archive('forum') ) :
echo '<h1 id="bts-page-title">' . __( 'Support Forum', 'bts' ) . '</h1>';
// For Jetpack Portfolio heading
elseif (is_post_type_archive()) :
echo '<h1 id="bts-page-title">' . __( 'WordPress Themes', 'bts' ) . '</h1>';
Now what is interesting, is that if I have the bbpress conditional “after” the Jetpack portfolio one, it would not work and the bbpress heading would be “WordPress Themes”. However, I had this sudden thought that perhaps there is a priority happening here, so I moved the bbpress conditional “before” the Jetpack one, and sure enough it works. The bbpress heading is “Support Forum” and the Jetpack portfolio is “WordPress Themes”.
Something about the sequence caused an issue…what and why I do not know.