I’ve purged all caches and purged again and it still won’t accept this word. I made sure the word was removed on My Sites panel in WordPress too…
can you post the exact error message you are getting
ERROR Your reply/topic cannot be posted at this time
This user had a problem with another word in another topic and it took her a while to figure out what the issue was. I’ve removed some of the word including the one within ‘double breasted’ and it still won’t let me post it…
ok, can you check if this happens with that word in a NEW post.
I just want to understand if having blacklisted a post, it is having trouble reassessing it, or the issue is more core
Okay, it worked in a new post, the words were accepted and posted… thanks
Not sure why it does not for an edited post.
Though I’ve just tried it again in a new topic and it rejects it again!
ok, try this plugin
bbp blacklist checker
once activated go to tools>bbp blacklist checker
This lets you switch off the code that is causing the issue.
It’s just a bit of testing code, not intended for permanent live use, but may help confirm if it’s bbpress or something behind that is causing the issue.
Try it for both anew post and an edited one
5 years, 11 months ago
I’m using WordPress 5.1 and Buddypress 2.5.14
My site is a writing community and we upload work for comments. Having trouble with some comments which wordpress block as part of the Comments Blacklist function in ‘Discussion’ settings. Have removed words I want to allow for posting without being blocked but still not able to post. For instance the word double breasted is not allowed because it contained one of the blacklist words. I have removed this from the list but it is still being blocked when I try and include it in a topic…