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Changing The Fonts Colors lol

  • @grimsilver


    So I know people will facepalm at the question, but I am just really confused on this and I don’t wanna edit and mess the little bit of work I have done up lol. So anywho, how can I change the font color on the topics and posts? They are pretty difficult to see: But yeah, I really dunno much (If anything) about code or website stuff so, surprised I got this far! Thanks for the help!

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  • @robin-w


    yes they are on your site.

    If I gave you the code and said for you to add this to your style.css would you know what I was asking?

    If so I’ll cut some for you to use

    If not, come back and I’ll try and help further



    I would not be entirely sure where to put the code lol.



    ok, you have several routes to go

    If you think you will be making other changes, then it may be worth you reading this

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – part 2

    but if you just want to get this going then download this plugin

    and then put this code into it

    #bbpress-forums .bbp-topic-content p,
    #bbpress-forums .bbp-reply-content p {
    color: blue !important ;

    a:link {
    color: blue !important ;

    Obviously you can change the blue to whatever, or use hex codes to get any shade you like

    Come back if that doesn’t work, and I’ll try to help further



    Well that seems to of changed only some of the colors, and made things really strange now lol. To see what I mean you can just go to my site,



    yes, it was an untested change, but now I know you can do it, I’ll change it later today to catch the other ones



    Nvm I derped, the links are changing colors cause they have been clicked lol. But yeah the light gray on yellow areas are still causing an issue.



    So I fixed most of it to the way I wanted, minus that light grey text for the names, and the links. The links in posts seem to be super light grey also, and I think I read that is inherited from your theme, so I dunno lol.



    ok, add this in

    #bbpress-forums .status-closed, #bbpress-forums .status-closed a {
    color: #000000;

    and then come back with any others



    That did it. Thank you so much for the help and patience with me!



    Hey no problem, do come back if you have more queries !

    Great that your are fixed !



    I have a similar question. Can you have alternating text colors for your forum. If you look at my site at, you will notice my backgrounds between posts change colors as do the font colors. On my forum, the backgrounds change but the font color always stays whatever color that is defined under the first post. I am using a child theme and don’t know a whole lot about CSS either, but am trying to make the forum at least functional. If it is not possible, I will just have to change it all to dark brown. I also have to work on font type and size, but readability is my first priority. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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