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Change nickname

  • @keystonehdc


    Good day all,
    I want to change user name (my nickname) on my profile banner. I changed it under user – profile, but nothing happened. Any suggestions?
    WordPress version 5.8.3
    Version 10.0.0
    website not launched yet

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  • @mike80222


    Is this a BuddyPress profile that you’re talking about? If so, do you have the Buddypress option “Enable BuddyPress to WordPress profile syncing” checked?

    If you’re using buddypress, checking that will sync the WP profile changes with buddypress. Be aware that this may have other consequences than just changing the display name, and I’m not sure what all of them are 🙂




    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for your reply. I am using BuddyPress and tried your suggestion but it didn’t change anything. I am not sure where the nickname that is showing is coming from. Everything I can find has been updated.



    bbpress just uses the wordpress display name, so any wordpress plugin that changes this should work eg

    Easy Username Updater



    > I am using BuddyPress and tried your suggestion but it didn’t change anything


    Did you do a buddypress profile name update after checking profile syncing?
    Checking that won’t affect changes that have already been done.

    If you don’t need to change it through the buddypress profile, the there’s that plugin Robin suggested, or you could change in the WordPress user fields.

    If buddypress is essential to what you’re doing, there is also a buddypress forum:

    And also these guys, who seem so provide more answers than the official forum (they have a “paid” category but they answer question even if you don’t pay):



    @mike80222 – thanks -interesting – I thought bbpress just pulled the name from the database user nickname field, maybe it doesn’t or that plugin doesn’t actually change that value



    @robin-w, I think bbPress does just what you’re saying. But (if I understand things correctly) BuddyPress will change the WP “display name” (and/or “nickname” ???) when you update your name in the BP profile — If “synching” is on. I use BP, but I actually have synching OFF, so I’m not all that familiar with the details.

    BTW, the same goes for email. You can change that in the BP profile too, and (if allowed) it updates it in WordPress.

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