Here is what a quick grep came up with:
bb-includes/template-functions.php:function post_author_avatar( $size = ’48’, $default = ”, $post_id = 0 ) {
Thanks Wyvn. It would be nice if there was something in the Admin menu to change this, but for now I’ll just change that file.
Well, if you like to hack you admin files, you can add the following code to the options-general.php file just after line 143, making this code start on line 144;
<label for="avatars_size">
<?php _e('Gravatar Size:'); ?>
<select name="avatars_size" id="avatars_size">
$selected = array();
$selected[bb_get_option('avatars_size')] = ' selected="selected"';
<option value="16"<?php echo $selected[16]; ?>><?php _e('16 px'); ?></option>
<option value="32"<?php echo $selected['32']; ?>><?php _e('32 px'); ?></option>
<option value="36"<?php echo $selected['36']; ?>><?php _e('36 px'); ?></option>
<option value="48"<?php echo $selected['48']; ?>><?php _e('48 px'); ?></option>
<option value="80"<?php echo $selected['80']; ?>><?php _e('80 px'); ?></option>
And in the bb-includes/template-functions.php file, after line 1198 you can add this;
$size = bb_get_option('avatars_size');
Then you can change the size in the admin section, and the correct size will show with the posts.
Or you can download the edited files here
Thanks Rune. I actually don’t like to hack admin files… Wyvn’s suggestion did the trick. I just made note of the change so I can do it again when I upgrade next.
Maybe you can submit that for a future version of bbPress.
Any chance on updating this info for 1.0.2? Sounds like a nice work-around.
In the mean time you can just pass the size via the avatar call…
<?php post_author_avatar_link($size='100'); ?>