Sounds like he’s been marked as a bozo. If you search the forums for bozo, you will find lots of mentions and solutions for it, based on what version you’re running.
No, that wasn’t it. One more user has had this happen. It only happens on occassion. They can see the post themselves, but they’re not marked as last poster and their postcount’s not increasing.
1. The post only shows up for the user who posted
2. It’s not registered in the users postcount
3. It’s not registered as “last poster” in the topic list
4. The thread is not moved to the top in the topic list
5. It does not happen every time
6. It has happened to several users
I think I’m beginning to lose users over this
Anyone? Ideas?
C’mon! Anyone? My users are abandoning the forum
In your admin panel, under the Content tab, is there something for Bozos (I can’t remember since I turned off the bozo thing on my forum, it was a big PITA)? Mine admin panel under content shows topics, posts and forums, but I thought there used to be one for bozo.
If so, look there. If not, in the first page of the admin panel, is there a “recently moderated” section on the right sidebar? Are the posts there?
I know the users are NOT bozos, but I still suspect they are marked as bozos, so the post shows when they look at it when they’re logged in, but no other users will be able to see their post. To them, it looks normal, to everyone else, they’re invisible.
Here is something I posted earlier this year about bozos:
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
They’re not marked as bozos.
Something else happened to a few posts now. The posts themselves don’t show up but the user shows up as “latest poster”. When I click on the latest poster link it goes to the last page of the topic but not the latest post as it’s not there.
I installed the fix-bbpress plugin but it still doesn’t work.
Ok, I found it!
Hah. It was in Akismet. They were marked as spam. But where do I go from here? I don’t want to disable Akisment and get overrun by real spam!
Are you actually getting any spam? It would show up in the Akismet admin menu if you were. If not, you could disable it.
fix-bbpress does nothing if the version number is not 8.1.
I disabled it. Sadly the users it concerned have already left.