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cant post or reply, admin can only post new message through dashboard

  • @q5sys


    Current site:
    Wordpress V 3.4.2
    bbpress V 2.1.2
    Buddypress V 1.6.1

    Old site:
    Wordpress 1 user
    phpbb v 3.10 40 users

    I converted my forums over to bbpress. Everything went fine.
    All the threads and users where there.
    I installed buddypress as well and that works fine.
    buddypress automatically synced up with all of the existing users.

    I’m building the site up though so the activity on the site is low. However I’ve noticed something. All of the buddypress features work perfectly. However with bbpress no one can post or reply. In fact the only way admin can do anything is to do so through the dashboard. If admin is broswing the forum he cant reply or create a new topic.
    The edit box is there, but when you click ‘submit’ it just reloads the page and nothing happens. I’ve tried this with users at all levels.

    I wanted to integrate bbpress into buddypress, but the only way I can do that and retain my existing data is to choose group forums with existing install, but that wont work because i dont have a bb-config.php

    I have completely disabled buddypress and the problem still exists. Somewhere something in my bbpress configuration must be messed up. any help?

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