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Can't access admin pages

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  • @robin-w


    your forum pages are at

    I am not certain what you have at

    Normally bbpress is administered though the dashboard

    Can you explain further?



    Thanks Robin, How do I get to the dashboard?



    gets you to the login, once logged in you can select dashboard



    Sorry, I think I wasn’t clear: the site is a wordpress site and the forum is just an addiction, so the dashboard is the normal wordpress admin pages. What I can’t see is the forum dashboard, which I don’t know how to get to.

    Thanks again Robin



    Nowadays (unless someone knows different) it is integrated into the WP dashboard

    on the main dashboard you’ll see an area called “right now in forums” – if you look at the main dashboard you’ll see a panel called “right now” to then right of the menu’s. Follow this column of panels down and usually at the bottom there’s another panel that says “right now in forums” – you can rearrange these panels to bring this up or indeed to the top.

    Apart from this, you have menu items of foums, topics and replies which you can use for admin



    Dear All, I’m new here, and this may be a wrong topic.
    But I have installed bbpress 2.4.1 and WP version 3.7.1
    After installation I can’t open the bb-press settings, because it says:

    Je hebt onvoldoende rechten voor toegang van deze pagina. (dutch language)
    translation: You don’t have permissions to access this page.

    But i’m administrator! What should i do?
    Your prompt response will be appreciated.



    Precisely what are you doing to get this message



    and at what point do you get it?



    I have the same problem.
    I instaled your plugin ob new wordpress version 3.7.1
    this info was show after instaling plugin.

    On frond-end website forum looks fine [http://…./forums]
    but I’m not abble to open settings. Everything not working. It only shows info, you haven’t access to this – or something simillar.

    It’s not working:
    Forums> New
    Forums> Edit
    Forums> Settings
    Forums> Tools



    Hi Robin, Nothing….

    I just installed BBpress.
    After installation, open the dashboard -> plugins -> BBpress settings or About (both not working)

    Screen display: You don’t have permissions to access this page

    Because of this error, I tried to install bbPress Admin Bar Addition 1.7.1.
    It’s on the server now, but this program is also giving this same permission error…



    suggest you uninstall bbpress and then re-install it.

    Come back if that doesn’t work



    I did it a few times. And it nothing change. Every time is the same problem.



    Dear Robin,

    Same story here, deleted and re-installed program several times. But nothing worked.
    Will retry again. Pls give me a few minutes…



    1) Files deleted.
    2) Searching for BBpress…
    3) Received warning: This version of BBpress is not tested yet with this current version of WP (or something like that)
    4) Installing…
    5) On screen:

    Plugin bbPress 2.4.1 wordt geïnstalleerd. (will be installed)

    Downloaden installatiepakket van…

    Uitpakken van pakket… (unzip file)

    De plugin installeren… (install plugin)

    Plugin bbPress 2.4.1 is succesvol geïnstalleerd. (Successfully installed)

    6) activate plugin
    7) Warning: You don’t have permissions to access this page.
    8) Back in browser to address -> Dashbord -> Plugin..
    9) Plugin is activated now (Somehow).
    10) Settingsbutton: “Warning: You don’t have permissions to access this page.”



    For the record:

    I’m using Firefox 25.0 but receive same error in IE 9.0.22



    OK, try going into


    and edit the username you’re looking at

    at the bottom there should be a setting for level of forum access. For full rights it should be keymaster.

    Come back and let us know what it is set at, and if not keymaster change it to that and try again



    Issues with trying to manage a forum can sometimes be resolved by going to Tools > Forums > Remap existing users to default forum roles

    Tick that and click repair items, this can solve some issues with forum admin. Once you have done that and refreshed you should be able to see forums, topics and replies to the left hand side.

    Good luck!



    General: administrator
    Forum: Keymaster

    But still not working



    OK, when I get a moment I’ll create a new site and try it from a blank canvass.



    You should check if the table wp_bb_posts has been created in your database. Otherwise, you should create it manually:

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS wp_bb_posts (
    post_id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    forum_id int(10) NOT NULL default 1,
    topic_id bigint(20) NOT NULL default 1,
    poster_id int(10) NOT NULL default 0,
    post_text text NOT NULL,
    post_time datetime NOT NULL default ’0000-00-00 00:00:00′,
    poster_ip varchar(15) NOT NULL default ”,
    post_status tinyint(1) NOT NULL default 0,
    post_position bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,
    PRIMARY KEY (post_id),
    KEY topic_time (topic_id, post_time),
    KEY poster_time (poster_id, post_time),
    KEY post_time (post_time),
    FULLTEXT KEY post_text (post_text)

    Hope it works.
    It did for me.



    I’ve just created a fresh wordpress site 3.7.1 with theme twentytwelve, and added bbpress 2.4.1 to it.

    I am able to create forums, set up users, tools etc. etc.



    Thxs for your reply!
    Well I think that I finally did find out what happened…

    To bad for me I discovered it after deleting my complete website, it’s a conflict with a plugin “Event Calendar / Scheduler” version 3.0.
    When it’s disabled, the forum works… When it’s activated, the forum will disappear, and the “warning:” You don’t have permissions to access this page, will show up again…

    Well, maybe it’s useful for an other user, unfortunate I have a lot of work to do now…:-(
    Thxs to you all anyway.

    With best regards,

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