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Cannot modify header information

  • @mbiernat


    Hi I have a forum I used the kakumei template and changed the image. Besides that its a pretty easy install and like bbpress. I am using the alpha 1.0 However,

    I try to log out I get this: Thank you.

    Database error: []

    SELECT * FROM bb_online WHERE user_id = LIMIT 1

    Caller: online_logout

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/18/d95001024/htdocs/peopleandlanguages/bb-includes/backpress/class.bpdb.php:276) in /homepages/18/d95001024/htdocs/peopleandlanguages/bb-includes/pluggable.php on line 213

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  • @lstelie



    I had backpress error when using php4, which version of php does your host use ?



    I got this with php 5 I think its related to the online plugin, I deactivated that plug in and it works ok now with no error.



    “Cannot modify header information – headers already sent”

    is one of those errors that will fool you by distraction because it’s an indication of another error, that happened before it, it’s not the actual primary error.

    “headers already sent” means one of the following (among other possibilities)

    1. You have whitespace at the start of end of a plugin (or template) BEFORE or AFTER the <?php ?> (usually after the end. Whitespace means new lines or spaces.


    2. Another plugin or configuration error has occured and sends a text message, which causes the headers to be sent. To find out what the real problem is, you typically can do a “VIEW SOURCE” on the page (from your browser menus) and you’ll see in plain text at the top of the page the real error before the “headers sent” error.


    Database error: []
    SELECT * FROM bb_online WHERE user_id = LIMIT 1
    Caller: online_logout

    The user_id is empty in this case which causes the error.

    The question is why it’s empty.

    This could be a cookie problem, this could be an alpha bug.

    If you have no plugins running and switching to the default template does not make the error go away, it’s a bug and should be reported on TRAC (along with your configuration if possible, server type, PHP, etc)

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