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Cannot create Topics

  • @imoit


    I’m currently unable to create “Topics” for any forums from the web site side. All what happens is I fill in the topic title and description, but on pressing the submit button nothing happens and the screen is just cleared with no topic being added. I’m using WP 3.5.2 and BBPress 2.5.1
    What is the problem here?

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  • @imoit


    I’ve just upgraded wordpress to 3.8 and the problem persists. Other than the bbPress plugin I only have 2 others in my install: wp-no-category-base and google-sitemap-generator. I have tried disabling these and it makes no difference.



    what theme are you using – try switching to a default one eg twentytwelve and see if the issue is theme related.

    Has topics stopped working, or has never worked, or is this a new install?



    Yes tried that and I didn’t make any difference. I also tried different browsers and again it made difference unfortunately.



    Sorry.. Trying bbpress for the first time. Its a Completely board with no data.



    hmm, suspect that the category no base might be the issue, but you’ve said you’ve tried it with it disabled.



    This could be an issue with your rewrite rules. To fix this try resetting your permalinks. In your WordPress Administration Screens navigate to Settings > Permalinks, select a different permalink structure and save. Then select your preferred permalink structure and save again.



    Yes Stephen and thanks. It was that. Strangely, I had to first set it back to default permlinks and save it and then set it to ‘Month/Name’ and save it again so it re-writes it back to the htaccess file to get it to work. Originally I had permlinks set to ‘Month/Name’ but obviously BBPress doesn’t pick this up on activation it seems and thus resetting permanent links is required. Interesting. Thanks.

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