BuddyPress Default Theme for bbPress?
Does anybody know if there is a bbPress theme, based on the “BuddyPress Default” theme? It should look as closely as possible as the theme “BuddyPress Default 1.2.1”.
There is this one: http://manojkumar.org/buddypress-theme-for-bbpress/
Not sure which version of BuddyPress it originates from, however.
If you have BuddyPress installed on WordPress, then just install the bbPress component. BP would automatically handle everything.
The link that @Michael R gave is for previous version of BuddyPress. (Good Resource!)
But I see you want for the latest version 1.2+
@Gautam is right about installing bbPress within BuddyPress or if you already have one, then you can link that too (I haven’t tried that yet but it should work easily).And if you want to run a standalone version with BuddyPress for some reason (may be because the limit that forums are within group only), then you are out of luck as nothing exists for now.
@Michael R:
Thanks, but this one is the BuddyPress 1.0 Theme, BuddyPress 1.2.x now oncludes a new default theme: http://testbp.org
Yes, of course, but I want to run an external forum installation with the same design. BuddyPress has group forums, but there should be an external forum that has nothing to do with group forums.
My site: http://musikinstrumentenbau.net
External forum: http://musikinstrumentenbau.net/forum/
I just hit the nail, you see
Well if you are looking for free option, then may be you are out of luck but if you are looking fo a paid option, then the sun is under your umbrella
Yes, you’re right
I was looking for an existing free option… Seems as if I were really out of luck
Thanks for the offer, but I will port the Theme by myself
this is my bbpress installation with the new default theme http://forum.buddypress-it.it what do you think?
thanks for the feedback…
thank you!
what do you mean for “glitch”?
i think yes when it’s done, i’ve some thinks to resolve…
I meant a lil issue
the background image doesn’t blend correctly with background
and any time sooner? Ping me if its possible
this is the background image original with bbpress kakumei theme… i make some changes to pagination
1 week or so, atm i don’t have time to complete the theme, sorry
Yeah! I just pointed it to be one of those things which need to be fixed.
Just get in touch with me when you release it.
That’s great! It would be very nice to release it in public
Thanks a lot!
i started on something a few months ago… but the priority is low on the list
The forums look great!!
any chance of releasing at least the page that handles the forum in child-theme?
@etiviti It’s awesome
I like it!
@Arturo and etiviti:
Are there any news concerning the forum theme? I see it’s working fine on BuddyPress Italy…
I’m working on it but I can’t get the admin bar to show in bbpress.
I keep getting:
Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'bp_core_admin_bar_css' was given in /homepages/0/00/htdocs/wpbpbbp/wordpress/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 339
Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'bp_core_add_js' was given in /homepages/0/00/htdocs/wpbpbbp/wordpress/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 339and I don’t know what it means… I don’t code.
after the easter vacation i release the theme! now is working great and all the function are ok
~12-15 april.
sorry for the delay, a new post coming with the link to download the theme.
cool thanks!
I couldn’t get the buddybar to work but I was able to have both group forums and bbpress forums.
Great news! Thanks!
Your Theme at http://forum.buddypress-it.it/ looks great! Are you finished with the development?
(I don’t want to push, but maybe you’ve forgotten it…
@wemaflo if arturo doesn’t get back to you, email me I’ll work on it.
Me too!
Yes http://forum.buddypress-it.it/ looks great…great job. How can we install that theme?
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