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Broken Breadcrumbs

  • @auriel


    WordPress 3.9.2 running Montezuma theme.
    bbPress 2.5.4

    There is no “Forums” landing page and the breadcrumbs don’t work for either forums or topics. You can see the individual forums from inside the admin and clicking view and then post a topic but you can’t see the forum from the public face of the blog. Follow the link and you’ll see what I mean.

    Very frustrating. Is there something that I forget to do?

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  • @robin-w


    Without further info from you, have you tried

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – Part 1



    I used Method 1
    a. In Dashboard>settings>forums look for what is set in the forum root under the forum root slug heading. The default is ‘forums’ but you can set this to anything

    b. In Dashboard>settings>permalinks check that the common settings check is set to ‘postname’ If it isn’t and you don’t want to change it, then use method 2.

    Now just create a wordpress page that has the heading that was found in a. above eg if the root slug is ‘forums’ create a page with the title ‘forums’, and save.

    Once the permalink has been created, you can rename the page to whatever you wish eg ‘mysite forums’ (as the permalink will stay the same, and it is this permalink that bbpress looks for)

    Save this page, add it to a menu if you are using custom menus, or decide its order if you have automatic menus. Then publish it to your site.

    Job done!

    I don’t know what information you need to help me. All I know is that when I publish a forum I can see it for example . . .

    But when I follow the breadcrumbs to home of the forum I get a totally useless page from which I can’t get to any forums. If you look you can see that there is some text that suggests there are other forums but no live links to them. Can you think of what is wrong?

    Thank you for trying to help Robin.



    ok, I’d try two things

    1. use method 2

    2. switch to a default theme for a moment to see if this is a theme problem



    First I used method 2 and the page only rendered part of the Welcome text. The shortcode didn’t work.

    I then switched to Twenty Ten theme and the short code to produce the page Forums worked perfectly.

    So this incredibly beautiful theme I’ve been grooming into the hub for my organizations activities doesn’t work with bbPress.:-(



    Don’t panic !!

    Mthod 2 is producing an excerpt of the page, which is being caused by the template it is using.

    I’ll come back later and help you further !



    It’s not an excerpt it’s the contents of this sub-forum.

    I searched and found part of the answer on why it isn’t working from sometime last year.
    1) In the ‘Template name, without “.php”. No spaces. Only letters, numbers, – and _:’ option type ‘[B]archive[/B]’
    2) At ‘Make new template a copy of:’ choose ‘[B]page.php[/B]’
    3) Press ‘[B]ADD Main Template[/B]’

    I created a page.php and now when I point to . . . [url][/url]
    I still get nothing, a completely wrong forum page. I get part of a sub-forum rendered.

    This is the greeting that I wrote in the forums page.
    This is the text it should be showing.
    Forums page in editor.
    What could I have done wrong?

    I’m also working with the people at bytes for all the authors of Montezuma theme on this issue so perhaps they can shed some light on the problem.



    ok, if you still have a problem after bytes for all have looked at it, come back



    Hi, I’m new to WordPress and a new member of a collective blog who is trying to troubleshoot the same issue described here. Being new to WP, I’ll need a little bit of handholding.

    We’re using a Genesis/Lifestyle Pro theme for our site. This was all set up before I was asked to join the blog.

    I’m trying to follow the instructions that Auriel followed, but I can’t figure out how to add an “archive”(.php) page to my template. I also can’t figure out how or where I should make a copy of my page.php file (which I can find) to start mucking around with that.




    ok, just because there are the same symptoms, doesn’t mean that the solution is the same !

    have you installed



    I managed to fix it using the solution described in this post:

    Change the default Forums page

    It might be more of a workaround than anything else, but it’s transparent to our readers, so that works for me.

    Thanks for following up and getting back to me!



    to save someone scrolling through, this is the solution posted by @themusiciangirl1 – thanks Maya !

    Guys, I DID IT! After spending the better part of a day sweating over this problem, I finally fixed it. The solution is so simple, I have no idea why it took me so freaking long to think of it!

    1. Download and install the “page links to” plugin at
    2. Go to Dashboard –> All pages –> and then click edit on your default forum page (usually
    3. Once you’re on the editing page, scroll down to where your new plugin has two, magic little options for you. The first one, “this is a normal wordpress page,” is probably checked. Instead, check the one right below it, the one that says “custom url” or something like that. Enter the url for the page that you WANT your default forums page to be. Click publish.

    TA-DA! Now, when you click on “forums” in your breadcrumbs trail, instead of taking you to that default index page, it’ll take you to the special one that you made using the index shortcode.

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